
For general editorial inquiries or to inquire about the status of your manuscript, write to

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Editorial office information

Schizophrenia Editorial Office
5034-A Thoroughbred Lane
Brentwood, TN 37027 USA


Manuscripts should be submitted through our online submission system. For more information, please see our step-by-step guides to manuscript preparation and submission. We will acknowledge receipt of your submitted manuscript by email. Please do not send complete manuscripts by email.

Journal staff

For general editorial inquiries or to inquire about the status of your manuscript, write to  If your manuscript is already accepted and you have a question about proofs, corrections, or the publication of your accepted article, you can contact the Production Staff via the appropriate contact below. Be sure to include your article’s DOI and as much detail as possible about your inquiry.

Editorial Office / Managing Editor: Rebecca Shannon, Parthenon Management Group

Production Editor: Gayathri S., Springer Nature

Executive Editor: Alex Castro, Springer Nature

Open Access Funding Support Service

For advice on what open access funding is available to you and help in approaching funders and institutions, please contact our Open Research Support Team.

Reprints and Permissions

Requests for permission to reproduce material can be addressed through our Reprints and Permissions site or through the "Rights and Permissions" item within the menu of the relevant article.


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