“I have lately succeeded in producing motion in a little machine by a power, which, I believe, has never before been applied in mechanics — by magnetic attraction and repulsion. Not much importance, however, is attached to the invention, since the article, in its present state, can only be considered a philosophical toy; although, in the progress of discovery and invention, it is not impossible that the same principle, or some modification of it on a more extended scale, may hereafter be applied to some useful purpose.”

Credit: M. G. LITTMAN

With these modest words Joseph Henry began his description of one of the first electromagnetic machines. It was 1831, and the American scientist must soon have realized the wider potential of his invention. Over the years he kept improving the design of his 'little machines'. And although reciprocating motors were never to become a commercial success — motors producing continuous rotary motion turning out to be the way to go — the device gained its place in history as the forerunner of modern d.c. electric motors. Of the early Henry motors, only one surviving specimen (pictured) is known and has been on display since at least 1884, mostly at Princeton University. But, as Michael Littman and Lucas Stern have now found, that motor cannot operate (Am. J. Phys. 79, 172–181; 2011).

The device described in Henry's 1831 paper consists of a straight electromagnet with an iron core; pairs of whiskers extend beyond either side of the core, making connections alternately with two electrochemical cells, thus reversing the polarity of the electromagnet as the armature moves. Two vertical permanent magnets positioned beneath the ends of the electromagnet alternately attract and repel the beam, causing the armature to rock back and forth. Henry reported a frequency of 75 oscillations per minutes, “kept up for more than an hour”.

The surviving motor at Princeton is of a slightly different design, in that the two vertical magnets are replaced by one long bar magnet (shown dismounted, in front of the motor). Exactly how this motor works is not obvious: Littman and Stern argue that it doesn't work at all.

In forensic detail, they have inspected and tested the Princeton motor — a configuration never actually described by Henry — and have found that there is something wrong with it. The strongest hint at the problem is that the surface of the wooden structures holding the bar magnet are rounded, suggesting that these supports are designed to cradle curved magnets. Indeed, Henry had described a design with C-shaped magnets, and Littman and Stern succeeded in locating an electromagnet (also pictured) of the correct size and shape in the Princeton collection. It seems that the motor has no design flaw per se — it has just been fitted, for more than a century, with the wrong part.