Nat. Med. 13, 486–497 (2007); published online 1 April 2007; addendum published after print 6 December 2011

Editors' note: With regard to the above article, the editors wish to notify readers of Nature Medicine that the Montreal Heart Institute announced on 2 September 2011 that an investigation had found evidence of misconduct in publications from the laboratory of Zhiguo Wang at that institution. The committee in charge of this investigation recommended that several publications from Z. Wang's laboratory be retracted (some of which had already been retracted over the summer); in addition, his laboratory at the Montreal Heart Institute was closed. One of the papers investigated was the Nature Medicine paper listed above, for which the corresponding authors were Z. Wang (affiliated with the Harbin Medical University, China and the Montreal Heart Institute, Canada) and Baofeng Yang (affiliated with the State-Province Key Laboratories of Biomedicine-Pharmaceutics of China and the Institute of Cardiovascular Research, Harbin Medical University, China). The investigating committee's report stated that they did not find evidence of misconduct for the data in the Nature Medicine paper that was generated at the Montreal Heart Institute; namely, Figure 1a (“CAD human” data only) and Figure 2f,g. According to the report, the remaining data in the paper were not generated at the Montreal Heart Institute and were not investigated. In correspondence with Nature Medicine, both Z. Wang and Yang stand by the data in the Nature Medicine paper. However, Z. Wang noted that, for Figure 2b, lanes from the original blot had been rearranged in the published figure, for which we are publishing a Corrigendum in this issue.