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Molecular signatures of antibody responses derived from a systems biology study of five human vaccines



Many vaccines induce protective immunity via antibodies. Systems biology approaches have been used to determine signatures that can be used to predict vaccine-induced immunity in humans, but whether there is a 'universal signature' that can be used to predict antibody responses to any vaccine is unknown. Here we did systems analyses of immune responses to the polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines against meningococcus in healthy adults, in the broader context of published studies of vaccines against yellow fever virus and influenza virus. To achieve this, we did a large-scale network integration of publicly available human blood transcriptomes and systems-scale databases in specific biological contexts and deduced a set of transcription modules in blood. Those modules revealed distinct transcriptional signatures of antibody responses to different classes of vaccines, which provided key insights into primary viral, protein recall and anti-polysaccharide responses. Our results elucidate the early transcriptional programs that orchestrate vaccine immunity in humans and demonstrate the power of integrative network modeling.

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Figure 1: Antibody responses of subjects who received vaccines against meningococcus.
Figure 2: Analysis of data on the blood transcriptome for five human vaccines.
Figure 3: Analysis of differences in gene expression for five vaccines.
Figure 4: BTMs provide a sensitive and robust statistical framework.
Figure 5: BTM analysis reveals distinct mechanisms of antibody response.
Figure 6: The polysaccharide-containing vaccine against meningococcus activates myeloid DCs.

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We thank B. Weaver and the Hope Clinic staff for assistance with the clinical study. Supported by the US National Institutes of Health (U19AI090023, U54AI057157, R37AI48638, R37DK057665, U19AI057266 and AI100663-02 to the B.P. laboratory), the Georgia Research Alliance GRA and Emory University Research Committee and the Clinical and Translational Science Award Program (National Center for Research Resources of the US National Institutes of Health; to N.R.). The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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S.L. did analyses in Figures 4 and 5 and Supplementary Figures 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 and 18,19,20; S.L. and H.I.N. did analyses in Figures 2 and 3 and Supplementary Figure 2 and helped with study design and presentation; N.R. organized the clinical study; S.D. did experiments and analyses in Figure 6 and Supplementary Figures 15,16,17; S.L. and S.D. did analysis in Supplementary Figure 3; S.R.-S., D.S.S., S.E.J., A.M., G.R. and G.M.C. did experiments in Figure 1; S.P., C.Q., D.C. and A.K.P. prepared the online data portal and Figure 3a; C.D. did experiments in Supplementary Fig. 1a,b; S.K. assisted with experiments in Figure 6 and Supplementary Figure 16; M.J.M. supervised the clinical study; R.A. supervised the study in Supplementary Figure 1a,b; D.S.S. helped conceive of and design the study; B.P. conceived of the study and designed and supervised the experiments and analyses; and S.L., H.I.N. and B.P. wrote the paper.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Bali Pulendran.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Integrated supplementary information

Supplementary Figure 1 Antibody responses induced by meningococcal vaccines.

(a) ELISPOT captured day 7 IgG antibody-secreting cells (ASCs) in a subset of vaccinees. Plates were coated with goat anti human IgG antibody, MCV4, DT or MPSV4 and detected with anti human IgG biotin and streptavidin HRP. (b) Two representative subjects are shown. On the left, 1X corresponds to 0.17 million PBMCs. DT = Diphtheria Toxoid. (c) Production of IgG is a robust indicator of antibody response. Day 30 IgG correlates well with data from day 180 and 2 years. Data are shown for both vaccines. The day 30/0 IgG data (serogroups A plus C) were thus used for the later analysis of antibody correlation.

Supplementary Figure 2 The XBP-1 network is upregulated in the MCV4 transcriptomic response.

Targets of XBP-1 include genes associated with antibody-secreting cell differentiation (tan shading) and the unfolded protein response (purple shading). MCV4 DEGs are colored in red. Enrichment was assessed by Fisher's exact test (p = 5 x 10-14).

Supplementary Figure 3 Cytokines and chemokines measured by Luminex assay for meningococcal vaccines.

Left: Day 3 and 7 levels (log2, pg/ml) compared to day 0. Each row represents a cytokine and each column represents a vaccinee. Right: Serum protein levels (log2, pg/ml) that are significantly different after vaccination. * p < 0.05, paired t-test.

Supplementary Figure 4 Integration of DEGs with interactome and bibliome data.

(a) Illustration of the network integration method. DEGs from a vaccine study are connected by their links in the Interactome or Bibliome. Additional “linker” genes are then included based on their significant association to the DEGs (see Method for details). (b) Numbers of upregulated DEGs in common to 1 to 5 vaccine datasets. (c) Numbers of genes in the integrated network, and numbers of genes in common to 1 to 5 vaccine datasets. (d) The genes in common between MCV4 network and TIV network are highly expressed in plasma cells. As all genes are ranked by their expression level in sorted plasma cells (the color bar, according to data in Abbas et al 2009, PLoS ONE, 4:e6098), the ranks of MCV4/TIV common genes are indicated by the horizontal bars. (e) A subnetwork that is common between YF-17D and LAIV, enriched for TCR signaling pathway and interferon response genes. Genes in dark gray: DEGs as in (b), light gray: “linker” genes that have p < 0.05 in YF-17D transcriptomic data. (f) Genes enriched in the “immune systems development” GO category from Figure 3c.

Supplementary Figure 5 Molecular pathways induced by different vaccines.

Selected pathways from NCI-Nature Pathway Interaction Database whose expression were significantly (p < 0.01) changing at (a) day 3 or (b) day 7 compared to pre-vaccination data (day 0). Genes are ranked by t-score and the significance of pathways is tested by GSEA (see online method for details).

Supplementary Figure 6 Pathways associated with antibody response.

Selected pathways from NCI-Nature Pathway Interaction Database whose expression at (a) day 3 or (b) day 7 post-vaccination was significantly (p < 0.01) correlated to antibody response. Genes are ranked according to Pearson correlation to antibody response, and the significance of pathways is tested by GSEA (see Method for details). Influenza LAIV is excluded here because this vaccine does not induce serum/plasma antibody responses. MCV4 has two sets of antibody correlation data: one against meningococcal polysaccharide (MCV4-PS) and another against diphtheria toxoid (MCV4-DT).

Supplementary Figure 7 Examples of protein complexes detected during BTM construction.

(a) Ribosome complex extracted from the master network. (b) Nuclear pore complex and (c) Splicesome complexes extracted from BTM modules. Each edge in the pictures represents a coexpression relationship detected in at least 3 publicly available microarray blood studies.

Supplementary Figure 8 Examples of BTM modules.

(a) “T cell differentiation via ITK and PKC” BTM module which contains genes whose functions are supported by literature. This set of genes, however was not found in pathway databases. (b) “Chromosome Y linked” BTM module contains many genes transcribed in Y chromosome.

Supplementary Figure 9 Discriminative power of BTM modules compared with canonical pathways.

Discriminative power is shown as t-scores in two-class comparison. The horizontal gray lines show the threshold of confidence level of α = 0.001. By this cutoff, the numbers of significant modules/pathways can be looked up on the X-axis (top two numbers inserted by curves). YF-17D data were from Querec et al 2009, Nature Immunology 10:116; MCV4 this study; Turberculosis from Berry et al 2010, Nature 466: 973; RTS,S from Vahey et al 2010 J Infect Dis 201:580. All testing data sets were never part of the BTM construction process. KEGG, BioCarta and NCI_PID are respective pathway databases. Chaussabel modules were version 2 based on Chaussabel et al 2008 Immunity 29:150. “Random” modules contain randomly selected genes, matched to the sizes of KEGG pathways.

Supplementary Figure 10 Day 7 activity of plasma cells–immunoglobulin module (M156.1; Figure 4d) in blood transcriptome correlated to day 30 antibody response to TIV.

The TIV 2007 (n=9) and 2008 (n=24) data sets were described in Nakaya et al 2011, Nature Immunology 12:786.

Supplementary Figure 11 Hierarchical clustering of antibody correlations of BTM modules.

Heat map of BTMs (rows) and vaccines (columns) whose baseline-normalized expression at day 3 correlated with baseline-normalized antibody response after vaccination (colors in map indicate Pearson correlation values). Clustering was performed (a) using all 346 BTM modules and (b) using the top 50% modules with highest variance across these 6 datasets.

Supplementary Figure 12 Distinctive early transcription programs correlated to vaccine antibody response.

(a) Clustering analysis from Supplementary Figure 10b, marked by the three programs: Primary viral response (b), Polysaccharide response (c) and Protein recall response (d). From each data set in (a), the top 20 modules with highest positive correlations and the top 20 modules with highest negative correlations were selected. Among these selected modules, the modules concordant between two datasets (Pearson correlation coefficient above 0.3 or below -0.3 in both datasets) are shown in (b, c, d) and the rest are shown in (e, f, g).

Supplementary Figure 13 DC-related BTM modules and genes.

A filled unit in the center grid indicates the membership of the gene (top axis) in the corresponding module (left axis). The heat map on the right shows the Pearson correlation between module activity and antibody response in each study. The bottom heat map shows correlation between module member genes and antibody response.

Supplementary Figure 14 The DC surface signature module is positively correlated to polysaccharide response.

(a) Network of “DC surface” module member genes. (b) Correlation between D3/0 module activity and D30/0 anti-polysaccharide IgG response in MCV4 and MPSV4.

Supplementary Figure 15 Polysaccharide vaccine stimulates DCs.

MPSV4 stimulates the phenotypic maturation of human myeloid DC, while MCV4 to a much lesser extent. FACS data were obtained after 24 h (n = 4–6).

Supplementary Figure 16 MPSV4 stimulation of DCs is dependent on MyD88, TRIF, TLR4 and ASC in vitro.

Expanded version of Figure 6 showing genes that were required for DC in vitro stimulation with MPSV4. CD11c+ DCs were isolated by MACS from spleens of C57BL/6 mice (WT) or various knock-out mice and stimulated for 24 h; *p<0.05, ***p<0.0001, unpaired t-test was used to compare WT vs. KO (n = 4–6).

Supplementary Figure 17 Antigen-specific serum antibody and SBA titers induced by MCV4 and MPSV4 in mice in vivo.

C57BL/6 mice were immunized sub–cutaneously with one human dose (a-c, n=4-9) or two doses (d, n=5) of MPSV4 (blue) or MCV4 (red) or left untreated. (a) Mice were bled after 7, 14, and 28 days and serum IgM, IgG and IgA levels against meningococcal serogroup C were measured. (b) Serum IgG against serogroups A, Y and W-135 were measured at day 28 and (c) Serum Bactericidal Activity (SBA) titers against serogroups A and/or C were measured after 28 days. (d) Mice were boosted with a 2nd dose at day 30. Each gray line represents an individual animal. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, Mann-Whitney test.

Supplementary Figure 18 Cell-type expression patterns in BTM-antibody analysis.

BTM activities of cell surface signatures (see details in Suppl. Text), and their correlation to antibody response. X-axis shows module activity at D3/0 or D7/0, Y-axis the D30/0 antibody response.

Supplementary Figure 19 BTM modules whose activity on day 7 is correlated to later antibody response in two or more data sets.

Each segment on the circle corresponds to one vaccine dataset. In each segment, the inner circular bands show an ordered list of all BTM modules, layered by histograms of significantly correlated modules, red for positive correlation and blue for negative correlation. Each link inside the circles connects a significant module (top 50 in one dataset by p-value) that is common between different data sets. Modules common to three vaccines are linked in black, and their labels are marked by a black dot. Plasma and immunoglobulin modules are linked in green. An interactive version of this figure is available at online data portal (Interactive Figure 3).

Supplementary Figure 20 B cell–related BTM modules and genes.

A filled unit in the center grid indicates the membership of the gene (top axis) in the corresponding module (left axis). The heat map on the right shows the Pearson correlation between module activity and antibody response in each study. The bottom heat map shows correlation between module member genes and antibody response.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Text and Figures

Supplementary Figures 1–20 and Supplementary Note (PDF 5649 kb)

Supplementary Table 1: Differences in gene expression in five vaccine studies.

Numbers of differentially expressed genes compared to day 0 in five vaccine studies, at varying statistical cutoff by FDR or p-value, without (A) or with (B) gene filtering. Gene filtering is based on Nakaya et al. (2011) Nature immunology 12:786, using probesets with at least 1.25 fold change in > 20% subjects. p-values were based paired t-test. FDR was based on Storey and Tibshirani (2003), PNAS, 100:9440. (XLSX 11 kb)

Supplementary Table 2: Correlation of BTM activity to vaccine antibody responses.

Pearson correlation coefficients are reported. For clarity, only absolute values greater than 0.25 are shown. (XLSX 62 kb)

Supplementary Table 3: GSEA analysis using the BTM modules.

Genes are ranked according to Pearson correlation to antibody response, and the significance of BTM modules is tested by GSEA (see online method for details). Normalized Enrichment Score values are shown for p-values < 0.05. (XLSX 34 kb)

Data and tutorial package of Blood Transcription Modules.

This package provides BTMs in reusable data formats, and a step-by-step demonstration of their applications. [Order of files within the zip package:] BTM_application_tutorial.pdf README_package_content_description.pdf BTM_for_GSEA_20131008.gmt monocytes_vs_bcells.txt gene_ab_correlation.rnk MCV4_D3v0_probesets.txt btm_annotation_table.xls (ZIP 4031 kb)

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Li, S., Rouphael, N., Duraisingham, S. et al. Molecular signatures of antibody responses derived from a systems biology study of five human vaccines. Nat Immunol 15, 195–204 (2014).

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