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Internal boundary layer model for the evolution of desert dune fields


Desert dunes often exhibit remarkable changes in their morphology over short distances. For example, sediment-rich dunes can break up into smaller, isolated features, and then become stabilized by plants, over distances of kilometres1,2,3,4,5,6. These pattern transitions often coincide with spatial variations in sediment supply1,3,5, transport rate6,7, hydrology8 and vegetation9,10,11, but these factors have not been linked mechanistically. Here we hypothesize that the abrupt increase in roughness at the upwind margins of dune fields triggers the development of an internal boundary layer12,13,14,15,16,17,18 that thickens downwind and causes a spatial decrease in the surface wind stress. We demonstrate that this mechanism forces a downwind decline in sand flux at White Sands, New Mexico, using a combination of physical theory14,15,16,17,18,19, repeated airborne altimetry surveys and field observations. The declining sand flux triggers an abrupt increase in vegetation density, which in turn leads to changes in groundwater depth and salinity—showing that aerodynamics, sediment transport and ecohydrology are tightly interconnected in this landscape. We conclude that, despite the documented complex climatic and geologic history of White Sands20, internal boundary layer theory explains many of the observed first-order patterns of the dune field.

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Figure 1: White Sands dune field.
Figure 2: Definition sketch and boundary stress profile.
Figure 3: Sand flux, groundwater and vegetation patterns.
Figure 4: Conceptual model of evaporation rate as a function of groundwater depth.

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Research partially supported by the National Science Foundation through EAR-PF-0846233 to R.C.E., and EAR-0810038 to D.J.J. We thank K. Litwin, A. Bhattachan, A. Boles and B. McNutt for their assistance in collecting these data. We are especially grateful to D. Bustos of the National Park Service (NPS) for facilitating this study. Lidar data supplied by G. Kocurek, funded by a grant from NPS as part of the Chihuahuan Desert Network Inventory and Monitoring Program. Ideas and suggestions by G. Kocurek and D. Mohrig improved the paper.

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All authors contributed equally to data collection and analysis. D.J.J. designed the study with input from R.C.E., F.F., R.L.M., C.P. and M.D.R. The paper was written by D.J.J. and edited by all authors. I.B. and C.M. led the groundwater component.

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Correspondence to Douglas J. Jerolmack.

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Jerolmack, D., Ewing, R., Falcini, F. et al. Internal boundary layer model for the evolution of desert dune fields. Nature Geosci 5, 206–209 (2012).

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