50 Years Ago

Some of the problems of the links between psychiatry and genetics are discussed in Research on Genetics in Psychiatry, the report of a scientific group of WHO. There is clear evidence that genetic factors are involved in the aetiology of a number of mental diseases, although the genetic factors are more obvious in some than in others. Huntington's chorea is the best example of a hereditary mental disease — family trees showing very clearly the inheritance of a single dominant gene have been compiled for a number of families in which the disease is current. In most of the more common mental diseases, schizophrenia, epilepsy and manic-depression, for example, the genetic component is far less clear cut ... The WHO group puts forward a number of proposals for topics on which work should be concentrated. It calls for research into the frequency of chromosome abnormalities and the relationship of these abnormalities with mental disorder, particularly from the biochemical point of view. It would like to see more work on twins, preferably on an international scale, including studies of twins separated in early life.

From Nature 28 January 1967

100 Years Ago

Stars at a Glance — This simple guide to the stars will admirably meet the requirements of those who are commencing the study of astronomy or who have become interested in the heavens since the lighting restrictions came into operation. It provides an “aspect chart” for each month, which will enable the observer to make a general acquaintance with the stars visible at a specified time and date, and four additional charts showing the constellations in greater detail.

From Nature 25 January 1917