Mammograms have often been at the centre of controversy, particularly when it comes to deciding the age at which screening should begin. Mammography screening involves regular X-rays of the breasts to look for tumours, but this exposure to ionizing radiation also carries a risk of causing cancer. So, in many countries, including the United Kingdom and Canada, screening is recommended for all women — but only from the age of 50 (see 'Early detection'). According to a 2009 study1 that compared 20 strategies for mammography screening in use in the United States, a 50-year-old woman undergoing screening every two years is 15–23% less likely to die from breast cancer than an unscreened woman. For a 40-year-old woman, this figure drops to 1–6%.

There are several reasons for this disparity. For a start, breast cancer is less likely to develop in premenopausal women and women under 50 (see 'The hard facts', page 50). Younger women also tend to have more fibroglandular breast tissue, consisting of connective tissue, ducts and glands. This dense tissue appears white on a mammogram (in contrast to fat, which appears black), so it can be hard to spot the white shadows of tumours. Screening younger women, who have denser breasts, therefore increases the risk of a false-positive result — when a healthy woman is mistakenly suspected of having breast cancer. This overdiagnosis can lead to months or even years of invasive testing and associated emotional stress.


Despite these obstacles, in the United States, the National Cancer Institute recommends that screening start at 40. A high-profile patient lobby group, Are You Dense Advocacy, has also been influential in passing new laws in four US states. Under these laws, radiologists must provide patients with information about their breast tissue density based on their mammograms. The rationale behind the group's campaign, called Are You Dense?, is that dense tissue might be masking tumours. The group considers that any woman identified as having dense breast tissue should have the right to this medical information so she can seek additional screening with tools such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) — a move that has not been supported by the American College of Radiology.

Daniel Kopans, a radiologist at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, says: “Radiologists have no problem providing women with an estimate of breast density. The problem lies in what to do with that information.” He notes that dense tissue can decrease the sensitivity of screening, but it is unclear whether adding ultrasound and MRI will be beneficial. “The problem is that we do not know if these other tests will actually save lives.” The utility of mammography has been proven in randomized, controlled trials, he says, but no such trials have been carried out for screening using MRI or ultrasound.

From detecting to predicting

The problem of density is compounded by numerous studies that support an association between a high breast density and a high risk of developing breast cancer2. But applying this knowledge for diagnostic purposes is fraught with uncertainty. One reason is that breast tissue density can vary dramatically from woman to woman, and within an individual woman depending on her age, says Norman Boyd, who studies breast cancer prevention strategies at the University of Toronto in Canada. This makes the range of 'normal densities' too broad to be diagnostically useful for any one woman at any one point in her life.

Calculating breast density is no simple task either: it requires an accurate measurement of volume. Kopans says it is impossible to determine the volume of dense tissue in the breast by using traditional two-dimensional mammograms, without additional information (which has not been collected in studies so far). He compares the task to looking at the front of a hedge and trying to work out how deep it is. Another problem is that to work out the proportion of dense tissue in a breast, radiologists need to know the total breast volume, but there is no way to accurately establish this. The breast does not end “at the edge of the image since the entire breast can never be pulled into the machine”, Kopans says.

To address these issues, Boyd's colleague Martin Yaffe, who works on digital imaging for cancer diagnosis at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, has developed an automated, objective approach to obtain an average value for breast density. This technique incorporates the thickness of the sample, the known characteristics of the X-rays emitted and X-ray absorption rates that have been calibrated for different tissues. The relative density is calculated for each pixel in the mammogram image, and these densities are combined to provide an overall value. Despite going to such an effort, Boyd and his colleagues found that this information conferred no advantage over two-dimensional measurements when predicting breast cancer risk3.

What's more, the association between breast density and cancer risk is not clear cut. “The percentage of women with dense breasts decreases with increasing age,” Kopans says. “If density is a major risk, then why does the risk of breast cancer increase with increasing age?” From Boyd's perspective, a more useful diagnostic metric might be found in individual trends. The rate at which breast density decreases varies between individuals, and Boyd suspects this that rate might have predictive utility. Boyd and colleagues are preparing a paper investigating this relationship.

If Boyd is right and change in density can predict breast cancer risk, then dense tissue should no longer be thought of as interfering with the detection of tumours but rather as helping to improve detection. And for the first time there might be a way to calculate a woman's risk of breast cancer that is specific to the changes occurring in her body.