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When single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) studies failed to explain much of the heritability of diseases, researchers began pinning their hopes on a trickier source of variability: copy number variation (CNV). Whereas SNPs — changes of one DNA letter into another — are relatively easy for microarrays to detect and for databases to compile and sort, CNVs are a headache to identify and classify. Certain stretches of DNA are duplicated, inverted or repeated in some individuals and missing from others. “It's more complicated and the data will always be a little more dirty,” says Stephen Scherer, director of the Centre for Applied Genomics at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. In some cases, researchers can detect CNVs using microarrays designed for detecting SNPs. Others use products designed to identify CNVs directly, from companies such as Agilent Technologies in Santa Clara, California, and Roche Nimblegen in Madison, Wisconsin. One Agilent array, designed with the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, detects about 11,000 common CNVs.

Measuring whether a nucleotide at a particular spot is A or G is easier than detecting how many times a certain sequence occurs. That concerns Peter Donnelly, director of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics in Oxford, UK. “Because there was a long history of GWA studies that didn't replicate, the field insists on strong criteria for declaring an association,” he says. “Yet when it moves to CNVs, which are harder to measure, the standards the field requires are weaker.”

The jury is out on how much CNVs matter for common diseases. A study this year8 profiled 3,423 CNVs, or perhaps half of all those larger than 500 base pairs. It found that most not only don't explain much disease, but are also so closely associated with common SNPs that they've already been explored, albeit indirectly.

Scherer is not so sure. He was part of a team that resequenced a human genome and compared it to a reference. It found that the genome differed from the reference in only 0.1% of SNPs, but in 1.2% of CNVs. The analysis indicated that up to one-quarter of CNVs are not associated with SNPs, and so are likely to be missed by SNP studies9.

As with SNPs, larger effects may be found in rarer and harder-to-measure variants. Scherer has done studies showing that people with autism-spectrum disorders carry more rare CNVs than do controls. To be certain that the CNVs were correctly typed, he and his colleagues ran subsets of samples through calling algorithms that convert an instrument's signals into a sequence of base pairs, and used two platforms (by Illumina, of San Diego, California, and Agilent) to identify them10.

Scherer says that many research groups are still learning about CNVs and don't fully realize the need to validate their data. “People are looking for low-hanging fruit; they see what they want to see and publish it,” he says. The situation is improving, with the maturation of databases that collect diverse data on variation. “Now that we have much better data sets to compare to, it's becoming more accurate.”
