Cited research: Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA doi:10.1073/pnas.0910426107 (2010)

Nanotechnology is still far from producing anything as efficient and compact as self-propelling bacteria. But Roberto Di Leonardo at the National Research Council in Rome and his colleagues have managed to harness Escherichia coli to power a small ratchet motor.

They made a variety of symmetrical and asymmetrical glass-based gears (pictured), 48 or 80 micrometres wide. The shape of the asymmetrical gears means that bacteria swimming into them either slide off the end of a cog tooth or become stuck in a corner. Bacteria that stick exert a force that drives the gear around until they free themselves.

When the researchers placed their cogs in a liquid bacterial suspension, they observed about one rotation per minute for the asymmetrical gears, showing that geometry can be used to convert chaotic bacterial motion into predictable movement. D.P.C.