Figure 2 - Anatomic radiographic landmarks of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

From the following article

Physiology of esophageal motility

Hiroshi Mashimo and Raj K. Goyal

GI Motility online (2006)



Normally, in between swallows, the LES remains closed. With a barium swallow the LES opens and its identity is lost unless some constriction lesions are present. For example, the anatomic inferior esophageal sphincter may be identified as a muscular ring (also known as contractile ring or A ring) or mucosal ring (also called Schatzki's ring or B ring) located at the squamocolumnar junction. Usually the squamocolumnar junction forms a zigzag line without a constriction in which case the lowermost part of the LES cannot be identified. Note that a relaxed LES can open wider than the esophageal body itself and has been called a vestibule by the anatomists and an ampulla by the radiologists. ESO, esophagus. (Source: Goyal RK. The lower esophageal sphincter. Viewpoints on Digestive Diseases. Am Gastroenterol Assoc 1976;8(3), with permission.)

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