Video 1 - Videoswallow and corresponding manometric traces from a patient with mild dysphagia and failed UES relaxation due to syringobulbia.

From the following article

Clinical disorders of the upper esophageal sphincter

Ian J. Cook,

GI Motility online (2006)



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The pharyngeal swallow response is preserved and the pharyngeal pressure wave is of normal amplitude and propagates normally. The only radiologic abnormality is a minor increase in postdeglutitive residual contrast in the hypopharynx (time T4). Note that the UES opens fully with good transsphincteric flow (T3). Note also that the intrabolus pressure (arrow) is markedly increased. The horizontal bar represents the interval of transsphincteric bolus flow determined radiologically (T3). T1–T4 represent the times corresponding to the four radiographs, which are similarly labeled. (Source: Williams et al.,5 with permission from American Journal of Physiology.)

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