Table 1 - Innervation and actions of masticatory and facial muscles involved in oropharyngeal swallowing

From the following article

Physiology of oral cavity, pharynx and upper esophageal sphincter

Benson T. Massey

GI Motility online (2006)


Functional GroupMuscleInnervationSite of motor neuronsFunction in deglutition
MasticatoryTemporalisMandibular branch (CN V)CN V nucleus (pons)Raise/brace mandible; chewing, closing oral cavity
 MasseterMandibular branch (CN V)CN V nucleus (pons)Raise/brace mandible; chewing, closing oral cavity
 Medial pterygoidMandibular branch (CN V)CN V nucleus (pons)Raise/brace mandible; chewing, closing oral cavity
 Lateral pterygoidMandibular branch (CN V)CN V nucleus (pons)Lower/protrude/rock mandible; chewing
FacialOrbicularis orisFacial nerve (CN VII)Facial nucleus (pons)Seal lips/mouth
 BuccinatorFacial nerve (CN VII)Facial nucleus (pons)Push food toward teeth during mastication, help close mouth