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Is there a future for therapeutic use of transcranial magnetic stimulation?


Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has in recent years been used to explore therapeutic opportunities in a bewildering variety of conditions. Although there is good evidence that this technique can modify cortical activity, the rationale for its use in many of the conditions investigated so far is not clear. Here we discuss the effects of rTMS in healthy subjects and how it has been used in a number of neurological conditions. We argue that a better understanding of both the effects of rTMS and the pathological processes underlying the conditions for which it is used will reveal whether rTMS really does offer therapeutic potential and, if so, for which conditions.

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Figure 1: Responses to single-pulse TMS.
Figure 2: How reptitive TMS affects excitablity in the brain.
Figure 3: Different repetitive TMS approaches.

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This work was funded by the Medical Research Council (UK), and the National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia).

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Ridding, M., Rothwell, J. Is there a future for therapeutic use of transcranial magnetic stimulation?. Nat Rev Neurosci 8, 559–567 (2007).

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