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Low marine sulphate and protracted oxygenation of the Proterozoic biosphere


Progressive oxygenation of the Earth's early biosphere is thought to have resulted in increased sulphide oxidation during continental weathering, leading to a corresponding increase in marine sulphate concentration1. Accurate reconstruction of marine sulphate reservoir size is therefore important for interpreting the oxygenation history of early Earth environments. Few data, however, specifically constrain how sulphate concentrations may have changed during the Proterozoic era (2.5–0.54 Gyr ago). Prior to 2.2 Gyr ago, when oxygen began to accumulate in the Earth's atmosphere2,3, sulphate concentrations are inferred to have been <1 mM and possibly <200 µM, on the basis of limited isotopic variability preserved in sedimentary sulphides4 and experimental data showing suppressed isotopic fractionation at extremely low sulphate concentrations1,5. By 0.8 Gyr ago, oxygen and thus sulphate levels may have risen significantly6,7. Here we report large stratigraphic variations in the sulphur isotope composition of marine carbonate-associated sulphate, and use a rate-dependent model for sulphur isotope change that allows us to track changes in marine sulphate concentrations throughout the Proterozoic. Our calculations indicate sulphate levels between 1.5 and 4.5 mM, or 5–15 per cent of modern values, for more than 1 Gyr after initial oxygenation of the Earth's biosphere. Persistence of low oceanic sulphate demonstrates the protracted nature of Earth's oxygenation. It links biospheric evolution to temporal patterns in the depositional behaviour of marine iron- and sulphur-bearing minerals4, biological cycling of redox-sensitive elements6 and availability of trace metals essential to eukaryotic development8.

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Figure 1: Sensitivity of the marine sulphate system to reservoir size.
Figure 2: Isotopic composition of CAS from Mesoproterozoic strata.
Figure 3: Proterozoic marine sulphate concentrations.

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This work was supported by the NSF, the National Geographic Society, the Polar Continental Shelf Project (Natural Resources, Canada), and the University of Missouri Research Board.

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Correspondence to Linda C. Kah.

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Supplementary information

Supplementary Methods

Provides a detailed description of procedures for extraction of CAS from carbonate rocks for isotopic analysis, as well as the analytical procedures used in isotopic determinations. (DOC 21 kb)

Supplementary Data

Provides tables of CAS data that, at the time of manuscript writing, were not otherwise available in a peer-reviewed publication format. This includes CAS data from the Society Cliffs Formation and Dismal Lakes Groups (this study), as well as used data from Gellatly and Gellatly & Lyons (M.S. thesis, currently accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta). (DOC 30 kb)

Supplementary Figures

Provides graphical representation of model sensitivities to total fractionation (ΔS), weathering rate (Fw) and deposition/accumulation rate (δS/dt) parameters. (DOC 96 kb)

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Kah, L., Lyons, T. & Frank, T. Low marine sulphate and protracted oxygenation of the Proterozoic biosphere. Nature 431, 834–838 (2004).

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