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Discovery of Jupiter's ‘gossamer’ ring


Jupiter's ring system has previously been described as being composed of a ‘bright’ narrow ring and an interior, vertically-extended halo1,2. The one image which reveals this morphology most clearly is Voyager 2's parting shot of the Jupiter system, a wide-angle (WA) view of the ring ansa in forward-scattered light (FDS 20693.02). The bright ring is plainly visible, and the halo appears after slight contrast enhancement. By further enhancement of this image we have discovered an additional ring, which is far fainter than either of the (already faint) components previously identified, extending to a radius of 210,000 km.

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Showalter, M., Burns, J., Cuzzi, J. et al. Discovery of Jupiter's ‘gossamer’ ring. Nature 316, 526–528 (1985).

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