Sir, people are any organisation's most important asset; the future rests with those just setting foot on their career path. So it was with much pleasure that Yasmin Aydin stood and was duly elected as the Chair of Lancaster & Morecambe BDA Section. Already a qualified hygienist/therapist, Yasmin is studying at UCLAN's Morecambe Dental Education Centre. Since joining, Yas has sent a breath of air through the section; her pub quizzes have brought students and local dentists together in a whole new way.

Our section is also proud to be the home of the BDA's national President-elect. Peter Dyer has, throughout his career as a maxfax surgeon, been an active member of the BDA. Dental students locally know him for his gentle mentoring style and hospital-based junior dentists know him for his staunch support during the recent contract negotiations. There may even be some colleagues reading this who recall him being student president of the BDA (back in the same year that Prince Philip was the national BDA president). Peter's advocacy for those during the early stages of their careers has resulted in excellent engagement of young dentists in this area.

As a section, we would like to congratulate Yasmin and Peter on their recent appointments!

1. BDA Lancaster & Morecambe Section