The Salli saddle chair is designed to eliminate the discomfort and health risks caused by long-term sitting. Sitting on a saddle stool is based on the sitting bones carrying the weight of the upper body. This keeps the buttocks and thighs from being pressed against the seat, improving blood and fluid circulation.

When the thighs are pointing down at a 45-degree angle and the pelvis is tilted slightly forwards, this allows the lower back and upper body to find an upright, natural posture without need for a backrest, as when standing. The feet rest on the floor on both sides of the body making it effortless to operate pedals.

Apart from relieving low back pain, the upright posture gained on the Salli saddle chair eliminates shoulder and neck tensions. Salli enables dentists to work close to the patient, improving visibility to the patient's mouth. The chair is also well suited for the users of prism spectacles or loupes, since it enables optimal neck posture.

Due to the wide angles in the hip and knee joint, arthrosis and other joint symptoms can be prevented. Reaching as well as moving and rolling on the stool is easy and fast. The divided seat feels comfortable as pressure on the nerves, veins and soft tissues is relieved and the position of the hip becomes healthy and comfortable.

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