
The increasing industrial growth has led to accelerated energy consumption especially the traditional fossil fuel, which inevitable releases amount of CO2 that results in seriously global warming problem. It is of great urgency to reduce CO2 emission, and this problem is gaining plenty of attentions from various fields1,2,3. In addition to the biological photosynthesis, different strategies such as physical and chemical approaches have been proposed to reduce and convert CO2 to chemical fuels4,5,6. Photo-catalytic CO2 conversion has been proved to be an efficient way to convert CO2 by harnessing renewable solar energy, and it will generate synthetic fuels such as formaldehyde (HCHO), formic acid (HCOOH), methanol (CH3OH), and methane (CH4)7,8,9.

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is considered as a model photocatalysis for CO2 conversion as it is highly stable, nontoxic and cheap10,11. The early experiment proposed by Inoue et al., reported that under UV light photo-catalytic reduction of CO2 in the aqueous suspension of photosensitive semiconductor powders can form HCHO, HCOOH, CH3OH, and CH4 as main products7. Later, many efforts have been devoted to increase the efficiency and selectivity of the photo-catalytic CO2 reduction12,13,14,15,16. The photo-catalytic CO2 reduction results suggest that the catalytic activity can also be affected by TiO2 phase, and they found that the brookite has a much higher activity than the anatase or rutile phase17,18. Further, the efficiency and selectivity of CO2 reduction can be improved through doping noble metals, such as Pt, Pd, Cu, and Au atoms on TiO219,20,21,22. A previous report showed that the efficiency of CO2 conversion into fuels can also be significantly affected by the hole-sacrifice, such as methanol23. Nonetheless, CO2 can be successfully converted through photo-catalytic reduction, both the efficiency and selectivity of photo-catalytic system are still too low and poor for the realistic application. In order to design a more efficient and selective photo-catalyst, it is important to understand the detailed CO2 reduction mechanism at the molecular level.

The photo-catalytic reduction of CO2 into synthetic fuels is a multiple electron reaction process, which involves two-electron process to form CO and HCOOH, four-electron process to form HCHO, and eight-electron process to form CH43,24,25,26. For all these multiple electron reaction processes, the process starts initially from the adsorption and activation of CO2 molecule, in which CO2 involves configuration transformation, such as linear CO2 to bent and proton transfer takes place. In real reaction process, the activation of CO2 is a rate-limiting step5. CO2 is a rather inert molecule with a positive electron affinity of 0.6±0.2 eV27. Meanwhile, with respect to the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE), the reduction potential of CO2/CO2 is about 1.9 eV, which is much higher than the TiO2 conduction band minimum (CBM) about 0.4 eV above the Fermi level28. Thus, such relatively high potential prevents the efficient electron transfer process from TiO2 to CO2, which is a necessary for the photo-catalytic reduction reaction.

On the other side, several experiments have shown that the CO2 can be triggered on the pure TiO26,29. The vibrational spectroscopic techniques have shown that CO2 anions is identified on pure TiO2 surface, indicating electron can be transferred from TiO2 to CO223. Additionally, Tan et al. found that CO2 molecule can be activated by one electron and reduced to CO on the reduced rutile (110) surface based on scanning tunneling microscopy30. How to reconcile this paradox as most of the experimental results appear CO2 can be converted, while lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) value of CO2 molecule is extremely high28. On the theoretical side, He et al. reported the CO2 anion is one of the important species on the charged anatase (101) surface, and the reduction of CO2 into HCOOH or CO mainly it takes 2e reaction on anatase TiO2(101)31,32. Thus, it is urgency to know how the excess electrons effect on the CO2 adsorption and activation during the reduction process at the molecular level.

In this paper, we explore excess electrons effect on the structure and reactivity of CO2 on the perfect and reduced rutile (110) by first-principles calculations. Spin moment and density calculations show that the CO2 anion can exist in the TiO2 (110) containing excess electrons, and a new configuration of CO2 cation exists in the hole system. Furthermore, the electronic density of various CO2 adsorptions show that the LUMO of CO2 can be tuned by the excess electrons or hole. Especially, the LUMO of the activated CO2 can even be lower than the TiO2 CBM, which can effectively lower the reaction barrier. Our results show that the CO2 activation and reduction processes on the rutile (110) surface are greatly affected by the excess electrons and holes.


In the present study, we examine the effect of excess electrons on the CO2 adsorption and activation on the perfect/reduced rutile (110) surfaces. We firstly focus on the role of excess electrons on the CO2 adsorption configurations adsorbed on perfect rutile (110) surface. Later, intrinsic oxygen vacancy (Ov) defect is further explored. Further, we explore reaction pathway of CO2 dissociation into CO on Ov rutile (110) surface and mechanism involves photo-catalytic reduction of CO2 to form a HCOOH.

The excess electrons effect on CO2 adsorption on the perfect rutile (110) surface

In this section, we initially focus on the possible CO2 adsorption configurations in the case of excess electrons on the perfect rutile (110) surface. Before discussing the detailed CO2 adsorption, it should be emphasized that the linear molecular CO2 is firstly physically adsorbed on the rutile (110) surface. And according to the previous our results33, the molecular CO2 linearly adsorbed at five-fold Ti5f in a tilted style is the most stable one. Based on this adsorption, the molecular CO2 will undergo a translation into bend through activation or reduction. As a result, the molecular adsorbed CO2 changes to the bend chemical adsorption. Five different binding configurations of CO2 exist on rutile (110) surface. All possible adsorption configurations are examined, which are labeled as M1, C1, C2, I1 and I2 (see Fig. 1). M1 is a physical adsorption, where the CO2 linearly adsorbs at five-fold Ti5f in a tilted style. Except M1, all other four C1, C2 and I1, I2 configurations are chemical adsorptions: In C1 configuration, one O atom of CO2 bonds to the fivefold Ti5f, and the C atom of CO2 interacts with the bridge oxygen, forming a bent CO2 configuration; As for C2, the two O atoms of CO2 adsorbs at two adjacent Ti5f sites, and the C atom directly bonds with the O3f atom of TiO2; Quite similar to C2, the C atom of I1 does not interact with surface oxygen atom; As for I2, the CO2 adsorbs on the top of the bridging oxygen, forming a new C-O2f bond.

Figure 1: Different adsorption configurations of CO2 adsorbed on excess electrons perfect rutile (110) surface.
figure 1

(a) M1, molecular CO2 adsorbs at five-fold Ti5f in a tilted style. (b) C1, one O atom of CO2 bonds sits at the fivefold Ti5f, and the C atom of CO2 bonds with the bridge oxygen. (c) C2, the two O atoms of CO2 adsorb at two adjacent Ti5f and the C atom bonding with the O3f atom of TiO2. (d) I1, quite similar to C2, while the C atoms does not interact with the surface oxygen atoms. (e) I2, the C atom of CO2 adsorbs on the top of the bridging oxygen in a tilted style. The O and Ti atoms in TiO2 are represented in red and gray blue balls, while O and C atoms in CO2 molecule are represented in orange and green balls.

In Fig. 2, the positive digit in the transverse axis represents the number of excess electron, while the negative digit denotes the number of hole. When the system does not contain any excess electron or hole, three different binding configurations of CO2 on the perfect TiO2 were identified after the geometry relaxation, namely M1, C1 and C2. The others, I1 and I2, are unstable. The corresponding binding energy shows that M1 has the largest binding energy of −0.23 eV as the system does not contain excess electron, which is a little smaller than the earlier reported pure PBE value of −0.35 eV33,34. This is because PBE+U functional treats the d-orbital of Ti in a more localization.

Figure 2: The binding energy of the CO2 adsorptions vs the different number of excess electrons in prefect rutile (110) surface.
figure 2

The positive digit denotes the number of excess electrons, and the negative digit means the number of hole in the transverse axis. Here the negative value indicates relatively large adsorption energy.

As an electron is introduced to TiO2, I1 can exist with a binding energy of 1.02 eV. Therefore, the CO2 adsorption in I1 is meta-stable. It should be noted that the same kind configuration is also reported on the anatase (101) surface, and the corresponding adsorption energy of CO2 is 0.78 eV31, which is quite close the current one. When more electrons are included in TiO2, no new configuration appears, and the corresponding binding energy are also not sensitive to the number of excess electrons. When the TiO2 surface is charged with holes, the configuration of I2 can exist with a binding energy of −0.05 eV.

The detailed geometrical parameters, net charge, and spin polarized moment of the CO2 adsorption configurations are also calculated as shown in Table 1. Among these five states, the configurations of M1, C1 and C2 adsorbed on the perfect without excess electron or hole are chosen as they are not sensitive to the excess electrons. While the configurations of I1 and I2 are shown for the system containing one electron or hole. Compared with the single CO2 molecule, the C-O bond length of CO2 in M1 is almost similar, and the O-C-O angle slightly decreases by 2.38°. The net charge and spin polarized moment of adsorbed CO2 are the same to that of single CO2 molecule. A keen look into the structures of the C1/C2, the C-O bond length in C1/C2 increases by 0.08/0.14 Å, while the O-C-O bond angle decreases by 53.76/47.45°. In case of C1 and C2, owing to the strong interaction between the CO2 and rutile (110) surface, charge transfer occurs from TiO2 to CO2 by about 0.29e. The spin polarized moment of these two adsorbed CO2 states is zero, demonstrating that there is no unpaired electron existing in both C1 and C2.

Table 1 Representative geometrical parameters, net charge, spin polarized moment for the CO2 adsorbed on excess electron perfect (M1, C1, C2, I1, and I2) and reduce rutile (110) (Ov-1, Ov-2, Ov-3, and Ov-4) surface.

As we mentioned above, when the system contains the excess electron, the I1 becomes metastable. As for the I1, the relaxed geometric parameters (Ti-O, C-O and O-C-O) of I1 and net charges are quite close to C2, but the spin polarized moment is 0.74 μB, indicating an unpaired electron is located on the CO2 forming a activated state of I1. The corresponding spin densities as shown in Fig. 3. The excess electron is mainly localized on the C atom of the CO2, suggesting that an excess electron is transferred from TiO2 to CO2 and to form a CO2 anion31. It should be mentioned that although this configuration is rather unfavorable, the extra electron is shown to be critical to stabilize this binding configuration. When it comes to I2, the C-O bond length is little elongated to 1.27 Å, and the O-C-O angle enormously decreases to 120.27°. The spin polarized moment is about 0.90 μB, indicating an unpaired electron is located on CO2. Further spin density calculation demonstrates that the electron in I2 is localized at the two O atoms instead of C atom in the CO2 forming a activated CO2+ cation as shown in Fig. 3, which is different from the previous reported result only forming CO2 state31. From the above results, we clearly observe that various CO2 adsorptions appear on the perfect rutile (110) surface in the case of excess electrons or holes.

Figure 3: Spin densities of different binding configurations of CO2 on excess electrons perfect and Ov rutile (110) surface.
figure 3

Spin density of (a) I1 with an excess electron and (b) I2 with an hole on the perfect rutile (110) surface. (c) spin density of Ov-2 on the reduced rutile (110) surface.

CO2 adsorption on Ov rutile (110) surface

Apart from excess electron on the perfect TiO2 case, the intrinsic oxygen vacancy (Ov) defect can also provide two excess electrons to the rutile TiO2(110)35. Here, we consider one Ov defect in rutile (110) surface to simulate the effect of excess electrons on the CO2 adsorption. Relative to the above perfect TiO2, Ov defect not only provides the excess electrons but also the adsorption sites.

Here, four different configurations are examined, labeled as Ov-1 Ov-4 as shown in Fig. 4. Ov-1 linearly adsorbs in the middle of Ov in a tilted configuration. In case of Ov-2, one of the O atom of CO2 binds to two 5-fold Ti atoms (Ti5f) in the Ov site through bi-dentate fashion, while the other “O” atom interacts with the 5-fold Ti atom (Ti5f) in the plane. The configuration of Ov-3 is quite close to Ov-2 except for the C atom linked to the 3-fold “O” atom (O3f) in the plane; the CO2 in Ov-4 adsorbs in the bridging oxygen row with the O mono-dentate adsorbed to Ti5f in Ov site and C atom bonds to bridging oxygen O2f.

Figure 4: Different adsorption configurations of CO2 on Ov rutile (110) surface.
figure 4

(a) Ov-1, CO2 molecule adsorbed at Ov site in a titled style. (b) Ov-2, one O of CO2 adsorbed at Ov site and the other O adsorbed at Ti5f in the plane. (c) Ov-3, quite similar to Ov-2 except for the C atom linked to O3f in the plane. (d) Ov-4, one O atom of CO2 adsorbed at Ov site and the C atom adsorbed with the O2f near the Ov site.

The corresponding binding energies, geometrical parameters, net charge, and spin polarized moment of the CO2 adsorption on reduced TiO2 are also summarized in Table 1. Previous theoretical result shows that the CO2 interacting with Ov-4 configuration on the anatase (101) cluster is the most stable adsorption with the binding energy of −1.09 eV31. Similarly, the calculated binding energy of CO2 in Ov-4 has the highest binding energy of −1.11 eV in our present study, indicates that Ov-4 is indeed more favorable adsorption. The binding energy of Ov-1 is about −1.08 eV, which is quite close to Ov-4, suggesting that Ov-1 is also relatively stable configuration. The other two configurations Ov-2 and Ov-3 have relatively lower binding energies than Ov-1 and Ov-4, indicating that they are meta-stable.

A keen look into the geometrical parameters of Ov-1~Ov-4, the CO2 in Ov-1 configuration both bond lengths and angles are very close to the isolated CO2 molecule (Table 1). Unlike the Ov-1, the bond length of C-O in Ov-2~Ov-4 is elongated by 0.1–0.16 Å, and the angle O-C-O significantly decreases by 47.05–50.68° compared with an isolated CO2 molecule. Similar to C1 and C2 on perfect TiO2 (110), net charge of Ov-2~Ov-4 is about −0.41e, suggesting that charge redistribution between CO2 and TiO2. Most strikingly, spin polarized moment studies shows that the Ov-1, Ov-3, and Ov-4 the calculated spin moments are equal to zero, whereas Ov-2 has a spin moment of 0.82 μB, indicating an electron is located in the CO2. Further spin density calculation reveals that the electron is localized on the C atom of the CO2 as shown in Fig. 3. Thus, the CO2 in Ov-2 indeed converts into an activated CO2 anion. Although Ov-2 has a relatively lower binding energy than other configurations, the extra electron at “C” atom is crucial to stabilize the binding configuration.

It is well known that the LUMO value of an isolated CO2 molecule is very high, and the electron is very difficult to transfer to the CO2 molecule from the TiO2 conduction band3. In order to know whether the above CO2 adsorptions can affect the LUMO of CO2 in the presence of excess electron or hole, the partial density of states (PDOS) of the adsorbed CO2 is calculated. The results are shown in Fig. 5. As for M1, the LUMO value is located above the TiO2 CBM onset by 3.4 eV. This value is in consistent with the estimated value of 3.5 eV by Indrakanti et al., and a little larger than the value of 2.3 eV by Tan et al.3,30. Thus, the electron in the TiO2 CBM is rather difficult to be transferred to the CO2 in molecular state. When the CO2 is changed to bending adsorption configurations (C1 and C2), the localized LUMO of CO2 molecule becomes delocalized state, and the LUMO onset shifts down to 2.3 eV. Therefore, the energy level can be modified by CO2 adsorption mode. Whereas this value is still too large for the electron transfer from the TiO2 conduction band to the CO2 molecule. When the CO2 adsorptions with the configurations of I1, I2, and Ov-2 on TiO2 (110) containing excess electron or hole, the PDOS shows the LUMO of CO2 shifts further downward, which can even be lower than the TiO2 CBM. Hence, the electron or hole can easily transfer from TiO2 CBM to the CO2 with I1, I2, and Ov-2.

Figure 5: The partial density of states (PDOS) of the different CO2 adsorption configurations on the excess electrons rutile (110) surface.
figure 5

(a) PDOS for the molecular CO2 adsorption state M1, and (b)/(c) corresponds to bending adsorption state C1/C2. (d,e) PDOS for I2 with an hole and I1 with an excess electron, respectively. (f) PDOS for Ov-2 adsorbed on reduced rutile (110). The plots in red is the PDOS of the single Ti atom adsorbed by the CO2. The plots in green and blue are the C atom and O atom of the adsorbed CO2, respectively.

Dissociation of CO2 into CO on Ov rutile (110) surface

As discussed above, the CO2 adsorption on the Ov rutile (110) surface can be activated, and the corresponding LUMO is even lower than TiO2 CBM. Thus it is interesting to know how the CO2 adsorption on Ov rutile (110) can be further converted into the other species. The activation process can be expressed as:

From the equation (2), we can clearly observe that the activation of CO2 process needs an excess electron in the system. Scanning tunneling microscopy experiment suggested that the conversion of CO2 to CO is relative to electron attachment state of linear CO2 molecule on the Ov rutile (110) surface30. However, the detailed dissociation of CO2 mechanism at molecular level is still unknown. Here, we start the study from configuration Ov-1 with intrinsic excess electrons in reduced TiO2, and the dissociation of CO2 into CO are explored. The detailed reaction pathway and calculated energy barriers are shown in Fig. 6.

Figure 6: Illustration of reaction pathway via Ov-2 configuration to form CO.
figure 6

The sum energy of the CO2 and Ov rutile TiO2 is the zero reference for energy.

As shown in Fig. 6, the CO2 molecule firstly adsorbs at the oxygen vacancy, forming the linear adsorption as Ov-1. In this step, there is no electron transfer from reduced TiO2 to linear CO2, which is a different from the previous result where the linear CO2 can form an electron attachment state36. Then, the linear adsorbed CO2 molecule initiates to bent, which undergoes a transition state transition state 1 (TS1) with an energy barrier 1.12 eV to form Ov-2 structure. Subsequently, the excess electron in the TiO2 transfers to the CO2, forming CO2 anion (see Fig. 3). On the basis of CO2 anion, the C-O bond breaks to form CO, leaving an O atom at the oxygen vacancy site. The energy barrier of this process is about 0.61 eV. From the whole process, the CO formation undergoes an activation state of Ov-2 rather than a direct C-O bond breaking of linear CO2.

Photo-catalytic reduction of CO2 to form HCOOH

Apart from the CO formation in the reduced TiO2, photo-catalytic reduction of CO2 can also form synthetic fuels such as formaldehyde (HCHO), formic acid (HCOOH), methanol (CH3OH), and methane (CH4) on the TiO2 based materials. However, the formation of these useful fuels through activated CO2 is still rare, and most of the theoretical researches mainly focus on the anatase phase32. Here, on the basis of configuration I1, the reduction of CO2 to form HCOOH is investigated, which can be expressed as:

From equations (3) to (5), we can clearly understand that the reaction involves two electrons and two protons in the system. The complete reduction process can be divided into five steps as follows: The molecular CO2 firstly adsorbs on the rutile (110) surface as C1; Following this, excess electron injects into CO2, and the corresponding CO2 becomes CO2 anion as I1; Then, one proton and electron transfer to the CO2 anion, forming HCO2; Finally, the other proton transfers to HCO2, forming HCOOH.

According to the above reaction processes, the transition states and corresponding energy barriers of CO2 reduction to HCOOH are summarized in Fig. 7. On the basis of configuration C1, the two O atoms of CO2 begin to bend towards the adjacent fivefold Ti5f in plane through TS1, the two O atoms of CO2 is adsorbed by Ti5f in nature as shown step-3 in Fig. 7. Consecutively, the electron spontaneously transfers to the CO2 forming the CO2 anion. This process needs to overcome an energy barrier of 1.28 eV, which is much higher than the case in anatase (101) of 0.87 eV32. Consecutive proton and electron move to the “C” atom of CO2 anion to form HCO2. These findings are very different from the case in anatase (101). In anatase case, proton transfer occurs with no energy barrier, but the proton transfer on rutile needs to overcome an energy barrier of 0.93 eV. The calculated energy barrier is relatively higher, because the proton should move about 3.10 Å between the adsorbed proton and the CO2 anion, which is larger than the one in anatase (about 2.60 Å). Further, the other proton moves to the “O” atom of HCO2, resulting in HCOOH. This process needs a moderate energy barrier of 0.75 eV. From the complete reduction process, the formation of CO2 anion is the rate limiting step, and also the proton transfer step is much difficult than the earlier reported anatase (101) surface32.

Figure 7: Illustration of reaction pathway via I1 configuration to form HCOOH.
figure 7

The sum of energies of the CO2 and 2H is the zero reference for energy. The sign of “ + ” indicates non-interacting species (e.g. CO2 + OH), and the transition state denotes by TS.

Activation of CO2 by a hole

On the basis of configuration I2, the activation of CO2 by the hole is also investigated, which can be expressed as:

In the CO2 activation process (Eq. 6), a hole is transferred to the O atom of CO2 in configuration I2. The detailed reaction process and activation barrier of hole to CO2 with I2 are calculated (Fig. 8). The molecular CO2 adsorbs on the top of bridge oxygen on TiO2 with a C-Ob distance of 2.71 Å. Then the C atom of the CO2 moves towards the bridge-site oxygen. In the transition state geometry, the C-Ob distance decreases from 2.71 Å to 1.74 Å. Finally, the “C” atom of CO2 adsorbed with the bridge oxygen forming a bent like CO2, and the C-Ob distance decreases to 1.34 Å. Simultaneously, the hole is transferred to the two “O” atoms of CO2 forming a CO2+ as shown in Fig. 3. Formation of cation need to overcome a relatively lower energy barrier (about 0.75 eV) than that of anions.

Figure 8: Illustration of reaction pathway to form CO2+ cation.
figure 8

The sum energy of CO2 and TiO2 is set to zero as the reference energy.


In summary, by the first-principles calculations, structural and reactivity behavior of CO2 on rutile TiO2 are greatly affected by excess electrons. The computed results show that various CO2 adsorption configurations appear in the case of excess electrons, and activated CO2 adsorption configurations can be exist in the not only excess electron system as I1 and Ov-2, but also in the hole system as I2. Further electronic density calculation shows that the LUMO of CO2 can be modified by varying the CO2 adsorption states, and it can even be lowered and below the TiO2 conduction band. The detailed CO2 activation and reduction processes are also explored. The mechanism of CO2 reduction to CO on oxygen vacancy rutile (110) surface is revised, the reduction process involves the formation of CO2 anion in bend type structure with an energy barrier of 1.12 eV. The results also suggest that, the energy barrier of rate limitation step to form HCOOH is about 1.28 eV. In addition, the process for the formation of CO2+ cation in the hole system is also investigated, and it needs a much lower energy barrier of 0.75 eV.


The calculations are performed based on the spin-polarized density functional theory (DFT) in periodic boundary conditions, as implemented in the CP2K/Quickstep package37. This simulation code employs hybrid Gaussian and plane wave (GPW) basis sets and norm conserving Goedecker-Teter-Hutter (GTH) pseudo-potentials to represent the ion-electron interactions38,39. The Gaussian functions consisting of a double-ζ plus polarization (DZVP) basis set was employed to optimize the structures40. The energy cutoff for the real space grid was 500 Ry, which yields total energies converged to at least 0.001 eV per atom. For the exchange-correlation functional, we have used the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) functional of generalized gradient approximation (GGA)41. The vdW correction is considered with the Grimme approach (DFT-D3)42. Since the standard GGA functional has the limitation to calculate the d-band electrons of transition metal, GGA+U functional is used to treat Ti 3d electron with U = 4.2 eV43. In order to avoid the interaction between the adjacent images, a vacuum spacing of 15 Å is employed for all the systems. Transition states along the reaction pathways are searched by the Climbing Image Nudged Elastic Band (CI-NEB) approach44.

The interaction between the adsorbed molecule and the substrate, which can be characterized by the binding energy, which is defined as,

where Ead/sub is the total energy of the molecule adsorbed on the substrate, Ead is the energy of the isolated molecule in the same box, and the Esub is the energy of the substrate. In the present study, a (4 × 2) supercell is used to represent rutile TiO2 (110) substrate containing four tri-layers. In the rutile TiO2(110) features three types of under coordinated atoms: five-fold Ti ionic (Ti5f), bridge oxygen atom in two-fold (O2f), and planar three-fold oxygen atom (O3f). The excess electrons in the system are simulated by adding hydrogen atoms or hydroxyls, and one hydrogen/hydroxyl corresponds to one electron/hole45. All the CO2 adsorption configurations studied in the text, only one CO2 molecule is considered to adsorb on the (4 × 2) supercell, corresponding to 1/8 ML coverage.

Additional Information

How to cite this article: Yin, W.-J. et al. The Effect of Excess Electron and hole on CO2 Adsorption and Activation on Rutile (110) surface. Sci. Rep. 6, 23298; doi: 10.1038/srep23298 (2016).