Scientific Reports 3, Article number: 2481 (2013); Published: 3 October 2013; Updated: 1 November 2013

The incorrect version of the Supplementary Information file was inadvertently published with this Article. This version contained typographical errors and an additional section ‘Charge carrier concentration estimate’ not relevant to this article. In the figure legend of Figure S3, “Proline chitosan measured with: PdHx contacts in 5% H2 (blue), Au contacts in 5% H2 (magenta), Pd contacts in N2 (black).” should read “Proline chitosan measured with: PdHx contacts in 5% H2(blue), Au contacts in 5% H2 (black), Pd contacts in N2 (magenta).”

In addition, in the section ‘H+-FET and OH-FET channel morphology’ the sentence “Maleic chitosan (Fig. S4 a) was composed of selfassembled nanofibers on the substrate, and proline chitosan (Fig. S4 b) showed an amorphous film structure.” should read “Maleic chitosan (Fig. S5 a) was composed of selfassembled nanofibers on the substrate, and proline chitosan (Fig. S5 b) showed an amorphous film structure.”

These errors have been corrected in the Supplementary Information that now accompanies the Article.