Book Review

  • Ove A. Peters
2017 Springer price £108 pp. 298 ISBN 9783662528990 | ISBN: 978-3-6625-2899-0

This book contains a comprehensive summary of the diagnosis and treatment of molar endodontic issues. It is the product of an extensive international collaboration of endodontists and other dental specialists. The book is primarily aimed at endodontic specialists, but also general dental practitioners wishing to further their knowledge and skill set in relation to molar endodontics.

The book comprises ten logically sequenced chapters, beginning with molar root canal anatomy (chapter 1). Diagnosis of pulpal status (chapter 2) is followed by local anaesthesia and vital pulp therapy (chapters 3 and 4). Establishing appropriate access to the root canal system and the procedure of cleaning, disinfecting and obturation are covered in chapters 5 and 6. The process from diagnosis to obturation is covered in depth, with helpful problem-solving tips. Vital pulp therapy is given due attention, with well-detailed case selection and methodologies, including coronal pulpotomies for teeth exhibiting irreversible pulpitis symptoms.

Subsequent restorative considerations are included in chapter 7, with a useful discussion of the coronal seal, cuspal coverage, post placement and CAD/CAM endocrowns. However, the omission of root resection and hemi-section (premolarisation) as a treatment modality for molars with one compromised root is a shortcoming; emphasis has instead been placed on the treatment and retention of the whole tooth. Chapter 8 covers the outcomes of endodontics and correctly draws attention to the discrepancy of clinician – and patient-defined successes. The authors also highlight that there is a heterogeneity of defined outcomes alongside 'knowledge gaps' in existing endodontics literature that require high-quality studies to address in future. Re-treatment, both surgical and non-surgical, are explored in chapters 9 and 10 respectively. Both chapters provide useful information for appropriate case selection, and step-by-step accounts of the techniques required to achieve the desired clinical result.

Praise must be directed towards the impressive catalogue of clinical cases with accompanying photos and radiographs throughout, with many demonstrating follow-up over several years. Diagrams and tables helpfully summarise large bodies of text, with a particular highlight being the use of micro-CT diagrams to illustrate variable molar root canal morphologies. The text includes citations to recent scientific journals and is thus strengthened by reference to current evidence-based practices.

Overall, this is an excellent publication on molar endodontics; it provides a wealth of accessible information for postgraduate students and general dental practitioners alike. The editor has successfully compiled an essential new reference book for both personal and professional dental libraries.

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