The Institute of Patient Awareness (IPA) has issued a new set of guidelines for potential patients to use before choosing a dentist which includes a controversial personality testing questionnaire.

Contained in the compendium are over 50 incisive and often penetrating questions grouped into categories such as the slightly titivating 'Predilection to sports', 'Attitude to climate change' and 'Preferred deodorant and toiletries' and the more controversial 'Number of bank accounts.' However, most testing are those in the 'personality' section which are clearly aimed at estimating subliminal clinical thinking. This includes questions such as 'Which cavities do you prefer cutting – Class II with a mesial box or minimal intervention?' and 'When faced with a 5 mm pocket are you more or less inclined to reach for a toothbrush, a scalpel or a hygienist referral?'

When approached by the BDJ, a spokesperson for the IPA said 'the idea behind the initiative is to empower patients without disempowering dentists but frankly we are the ones who should be asking the questions. That's the trouble with you people.'

The full guidelines 'Oral questions and how to ask them' are available on the IPA website at

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