I. Gamborena and M. B. Blatz. Quintessence Publishing ISBN


This book provides a comprehensive review of techniques involved in the provision of single tooth implants in the aesthetic zone. There is an aesthetic focus, in which cases are presented across a glossy two page format. The authors have targeted the technology-driven age and the new generation of learners, in which the evolution is away from traditional concepts and towards a fast paced visually orientated readership. Although the basic sciences of implant dentistry are covered, the techniques discussed are complex and authors assume prior reader knowledge of the fundamentals. The book itself is large and over 400 pages long, the majority of which involves case presentations.

Quotations from Albert Einstein in the introduction discuss the importance of curiosity. This book is certainly inspiring and there is an almost overwhelming amount of clinical excellence presented. The striking high definition photography creates a step-by-step comic strip arrangement in which the focus is clinically orientated; hard and soft tissue management is discussed from both a surgical and restorative standpoint. There is a great level of detail regarding different concepts, techniques and materials; however, the authors declare a bias towards one implant system which is used solely throughout the book.

Contemporary concepts are reviewed such as a definitive abutment from day one of the restorative phase. There is also discussion relating to the rapid progression of implant dentistry and how current systems may be modified or replaced in the future. As well as discussing individual cases with long-term follow up, there are dedicated research sections in which the relevant literature is reviewed. These are provided at regular intervals between chapters.

In summary, this book is an inspiring view into aesthetically driven implant dentistry. A wide range of hard and soft tissue management techniques are presented balanced with the supporting literature. The focus is on providing an anterior implant perfectly integrated with the surrounding dentition.