Background & Summary

DNA encodes a cell’s instruction manual in the form of genes and regulatory sequences1. Cells behave differently, in part, because genes are transcribed into RNA in different quantities within those cells2. Researchers examine gene-expression levels to understand cellular dynamics and the mechanisms behind cellular aberrations, including those that lead to disease development. Modern technologies now make it possible to profile expression levels for thousands of genes at a time for a modest expense3. Using these high-throughput technologies, scientists have performed thousands of studies to characterize biological processes and to evaluate the potential for precision-medicine applications. One such application is to derive transcriptional biomarkers—patterns of expression that indicate disease states or that predict medical outcomes, such as relapse, survival, or treatment response410. Indeed, already to date, more than 100 transcriptional biomarkers have been proposed for predicting breast-cancer survival alone11.

Many funding agencies and academic journals have imposed policies that require scientists to deposit transcriptional data in publicly accessible databases. These policies seek to ensure that other scientists can verify the original study's findings and can reuse the data in secondary analyses. For example, Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) currently contains data for more than 2 million biological samples12. Upon considering infrastructure and personnel costs, we estimate that these data represent hundreds of millions—if not billions—of dollars (USD) of collective research investment. Reusing these vast resources offers an opportunity to reap a greater return on investment—perhaps most importantly via informing and validating new studies. Unfortunately, although anyone can access GEO data, researchers vastly underutilize this treasure trove because preparing data for new analyses requires considerable background knowledge and informatics expertise.

In GEO, data are typically available in two forms: 1) raw data, as produced originally by the data-generating technology, and 2) processed data, which were used in the data generators' analyses. In most cases, researchers process raw data in a series of steps that might include quality-control filtering, noise reduction, standardization, and summarization (e.g., summarizing to gene-level values and excluding outliers). Data from different profiling technologies must be handled in ways that are specific to each technology. However, even for datasets generated using the same profiling technology, the methods employed for data preprocessing vary widely across studies. This heterogeneity makes it difficult for researchers to perform secondary analyses and to trust that analytical findings are driven primarily by biological mechanisms rather than differences in data preprocessing. In addition, when data have not been mapped to biologically meaningful identifiers, it may be difficult for researchers to draw biological conclusions from the data.

Sample-level annotations accompany each GEO dataset. For biomarker studies, such metadata might include medical diagnoses or treatment outcomes, as well as covariates such as age, sex, or ethnicity. Although GEO publishes metadata in a semi-standardized format and bioinformatics tools exist for downloading and parsing GEO data13,14, it is difficult for many researchers to extract these data into a form that is suitable for secondary analyses. Within annotation files, values are often stored in key/value pairs with nondescript column names. Many columns are not useful for analytical purposes (e.g., when all samples have the same value). When values are missing, the columns often become shifted; accordingly, data for a given variable may be spread across multiple columns. Moreover, a variety of descriptors (e.g., “?”, “N/A”, or “Unknown”) are used to indicate missing values, thus requiring the analyst to account for these differences. In addition, seemingly minor errors, such as spelling mistakes or inconsistent capitalization, can hamper secondary-analysis efforts.

In response to these challenges, we compiled the Biomarker Benchmark, a curated compendium of 45 transcriptional-biomarker datasets from GEO. These datasets represent a variety of human-disease states and outcomes, many related to cancer. We obtained raw gene-expression files, renormalized them using a common algorithm, and summarized the data using gene-level annotations (Figure 1). We used two techniques to check for quality-control issues in the gene-expression data. For datasets where gene-expression data were processed in multiple batches—and where batch information was available—we corrected for batch effects. Finally, we prepared a version of the data that is suitable for direct application in machine-learning analyses. For this version of the data, we one-hot encoded any discrete values and imputed any missing values.

Figure 1: Flow diagram that illustrates the process we used to collect and curate the data.
figure 1

We wrote computer scripts that downloaded the data, checked for quality, normalized and standardized data values, and stored the data in analysis-ready file formats. The specific steps differed for clinical and expression data (see Methods).


Selecting data

To select datasets to be included in our compendium, we performed a custom search in Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO). First, we limited our search to data series that were associated with the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) term "biomarker" and that came from Homo sapiens subjects. Next we limited the search to data generated using Affymetrix gene-expression microarrays and for which raw expression data were available (so we could renormalize the data). For each dataset, we examined the metadata to ensure that each series had at least one biomarker-relevant clinical variable. These included variables such as prognosis, disease stage, histology, and treatment success or relapse. Lastly, we selected series that included data for at least 70 samples (before additional filtering, see below).

Based on these criteria, we identified 36 GEO series. Two series (GSE6532 and GSE26682, Data Citation 1) contained data for two types of Affymetrix microarray. To avoid platform-related biases, we separated each of these series into two datasets; we used a suffix for each that indicates the microarray platform (e.g., GSE6532_U133A and GSE6532_U133Plus2). For both of these series, the biological samples profiled using either microarray platform were distinct. The GSE2109 series—known as the Expression Project for Oncology (expO)—had been produced by the International Genomics Consortium and contains data for 129 different cancer types15. To avoid confounding effects due to tissue-specific expression and because the metadata differed considerably across the cancer types, we split this dataset into multiple datasets based on cancer type (Table 1 (available online only)). We excluded tissue types for which fewer than 70 samples were available; we also excluded the "omentum" cancer type because it was relatively heterogeneous and had relatively few samples.

Table 1 Overview of data sources used in this study.

We used publicly available data for this study and played no role in contacting the research subjects. We received approval to work with these data from Brigham Young University's Institutional Review Board (E 14522).

Preparing clinical annotations

For each dataset, we wrote custom R scripts16 that download, parse, and reformat the clinical annotations. Initially, these scripts retrieve data from GEO using the GEOquery package13. Next they generate a tab-delimited text file for each dataset that contains all available clinical annotations, except those with identical values for all samples (for example, platform name, species name, submission date) or that were unique to each biological sample (for example, sample title). In addition, these scripts generate Markdown files that summarize each dataset and indicate sources.

In some cases, multiple data values are included in the same cell in GEO annotation files. For example, in GSE5462 (Data Citation 1), one patient's clinical demographics and treatment responses are listed as "female; breast tumor; Letrozole, 2.5 mg/day,oral, 10–14 days; responder." We parsed these values and split them into separate columns for each sample. After these cleaning steps, the datasets contained an average of 7.8 variables of metadata (Table 1 (available online only)). Next we searched each dataset for missing values. Across the datasets, 11 distinct expressions had been used by the original data generators to represent missingness; these included "N/A", "NA", "MISSING", "NOT AVAILABLE", "?", and others. To support consistency, we standardized these values across the datasets, using a value of "NA". On average, 17.0% of the metadata values were missing per dataset; this proportion differed considerably across the datasets (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Histogram showing the proportion of missing clinical-annotation values per dataset.
figure 2

Some datasets contained no missing values, while others were missing as many as as 72.3% of data values.

We anticipate that many researchers will use these data to develop and benchmark machine-learning algorithms (although they can be used in many other types of analysis). Accordingly, we prepared a secondary version of the clinical annotations that are ready to use in machine-learning analyses. First, we identified class variables that have potential relevance for biomarker applications. In many cases, these variables were identical to those used in the original studies; but we also included class variables that had not been used in the original studies. On average, the datasets contain 2.8 class variables. Second, we identified clinical variables that could be used as predictor variables (covariates). Using these data, we generated one "Analysis" file per class variable that contains the class values for each sample as well as covariates that we suggest are relevant to the class variable. (A given variable may be used as a class variable in one context and a predictor variable in a different context.) We named these analysis files using descriptive prefixes (e.g., "Prognosis", "Diagnosis", or "Stage"). In addition, we identified concepts in the National Cancer Institute Thesaurus17 that map to each class and covariate variable. The name of each analysis file indicates the thesaurus term (preferred name) that corresponds to the class variable for that file. Within these files, the column names indicate the thesaurus terms that correspond to each covariate. We hope the use of this controlled vocabulary will make it easier for others to better understand the semantic meaning of these variables and identify commonalities across datasets. A tab-separated file that indicates mappings between the original annotation terms and the thesaurus terms can be found in our data repository (see

When a given sample was missing data for a given class variable, we excluded that sample from the respective analysis file for that class variable. After this filtering step, we identified class variables with fewer than 40 samples and excluded these class variables. When covariates were missing more than 20% data (Figure 2), we excluded these variables from the analysis files. When covariates were missing less than 20% data, we imputed missing values using median-based imputation for continuous variables and mode-based imputation for discrete variables18. We transformed discrete predictor variables using one-hot encoding; each unique value, except the first, was treated as a binary variable. In cases where discrete values were rare, we merged values. For example, in GSE2109_Breast (Data Citation 1), we merged Pathological_Stage values 3A, 3B, 3C, and 4 into a category called "3-4" because relatively few patients fell into the individual categories (38, 8, 22, and 5 samples, respectively). In addition, some class variables were ordinal in nature (e.g., cancer stage or tumor grade); we transformed these into binary variables. Finally, some clinical outcomes were survival or relapse times; we transformed these data to (discrete) class variables, using dataset-specific thresholds to distinguish between "long-term" and "short-term" survivors and excluding patients who were censored after the survival threshold had been reached. Our computer scripts (see Code availability) encode these decisions for each dataset.

Preprocessing gene-expression data

We created a computational pipeline (using R and shell scripts) that downloads, normalizes, and standardizes the raw-expression data. We used the GEOquery package13 to download the CEL files and then normalized them using the SCAN.UPC package19. Some heterogeneity exists, even among platforms from the same manufacturer (Affymetrix). The number of probes and the probe sequences used in designing the microarray architectures vary. To help mitigate this heterogeneity and to aid in biological interpretation, we summarized the data using Ensembl-based gene-level annotations from Brainarray20,21. The SCAN algorithm log2-transforms the data and scales the data to center around zero. Relatively high values indicate relatively high gene-expression levels, and vice versa.

Code availability

Our computer scripts are stored in the open-access Biomarker Benchmark repository (Data Citation 1). Using these scripts, other researchers can reproduce our curation process and/or produce alternative versions of the data.

Data Records

After we filtered the original data (see Methods), our compendium includes data for 7,037 biological samples across 45 datasets (Table 1 (available online only)). On average, the datasets contain values for 18,043 genes (Table 1 (available online only)). In total, our repository contains 128 class variables (2.8 per dataset) and 2.1 unique values per class variable.

All output data are stored in tab-delimited text files and are structured using the "tidy data" methodology22. Accordingly, data users can import the files directly into analytical tools such as Microsoft Excel, R, or Python. All data files are publicly and freely available in the open-access Biomarker Benchmark repository (Data Citation 1). The original data files are available via Gene Expression Omnibus using the accession numbers listed in Table 1 (available online only).

Technical Validation

We evaluated each sample using the IQRray23 software, which produces a quality score for individual samples. Using these metrics, we applied Grubb’s statistical test (outliers package24) to each dataset, identified poor-quality outliers (Figure 3), and excluded these samples (Table 2 (available online only)). Next we used the DoppelgangR package25 to identify samples that may have been duplicated inadvertently. We manually reviewed sample pairs that DoppelgangR flagged as potential duplicates. We excluded most sample pairs that were flagged (Table 2 (available online only)), even if the clinical annotations for both samples were distinct, under the assumption that these samples had somehow been mislabeled. In GSE46449 (Data Citation 1), many samples were biological replicates; we retained one of each replicate set. GSE5462, GSE19804, and GSE20181 (Data Citation 1) contained samples that had been profiled in a paired manner (e.g., pre- and post-treatment); we retained these pairs of samples.

Figure 3: Distribution of IQRay quality scores for each dataset.
figure 3

Sample qualities are plotted for each dataset. Low-quality samples were identified using Grubb’s test. Samples that fall on or below the red threshold were excluded from the data repository.

Table 2 Summary of excluded samples.

When transcriptomic data are processed in multiple batches, batch assignments can lead to confounding effects26. In the clinical annotations, we identified batch-processing information for datasets GSE25507, GSE37199, GSE39582, and GSE40292 (Data Citation 1). We corrected for batch effects using the ComBat software27. The Biomarker Benchmark repository contains pre- and post-batch-corrected data. For dataset GSE37199, we identified two variables that could have been used for batch correction ("Centre" and "Plate"). Our repository contains batch-corrected data for both of these batch variables (the default is "Plate").

Machine-learning analysis

We created a document that illustrates how to programmatically download the data files and perform a simple classification analysis using our data (see This document is coded for the R statistical package, but similar analyses could be performed using other programming languages.

Additional information

How to cite this article: Golightly N. P. et al. Curated compendium of human transcriptional biomarker data. Sci. Data 5:180066 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2018.66 (2018).

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