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Improved fragment sampling for ab initio protein structure prediction using deep neural networks


A typical approach to predicting unknown native structures of proteins is to assemble the amino acid residues (fragments) extracted from known structures. The quality of these extracted fragments, which are used to build protein-specific fragment libraries, can determine the success or failure of sampling near-native conformations. Here we show how a high-quality fragment library can be built using deep contextual learning techniques. Our algorithm, called DeepFragLib, employs bidirectional long short-term-memory recurrent neural networks with knowledge distillation for initial fragment classification, followed by an aggregated residual transformation network with cyclically dilated convolution for detecting near-native fragments. DeepFragLib improves the position-averaged proportion of near-native fragments by 12.2% over existing methods and, consequently, produces better near-native structures for 72.0% of the free-modelling domain targets tested when integrated with Rosetta. DeepFragLib is fully parallelized and available for use in conjunction with structure prediction programs.

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Fig. 1: The overall flowchart of DeepFragLib.
Fig. 2: Quality assessment of fragment libraries.
Fig. 3: Quality assessment in secondary structure classes.
Fig. 4: Evaluation of the top1 models sampled by Rosetta simulations.
Fig. 5: Case study of the distribution of TM-Scores.

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Data availability

The full template fragment database HR956 used for fragment library construction and all four CASP datasets used for the quality evaluation of fragment libraries are available on Code Ocean (

Code availability

All source codes and models of DeepFragLib are publicly available through a Code Ocean compute capsule ( and on GitHub ( We have also provided an online server for DeepFragLib at


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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant numbers 31670723, 81861138009, 91746119 and 31621092) and from the Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Structural Biology to H.G., as well as by the Australian Research Council (grant number DP180102060) and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (grant number 1121629) to Y.Z.

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T.W. contributed to methodology, experimental design, software, formal analysis, the server and writing of the original draft. Y.Q. contributed to formal analysis and the server. W.D. contributed to the server. W.M. was involved in methodology. Y.Z. was involved in experimental design and writing. H.G. contributed to experimental design and was responsible for supervision, writing and funding acquisition. All authors reviewed the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Yaoqi Zhou or Haipeng Gong.

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Supplementary Methods (details of our in-house residue-residue contact refinement models), Supplementary Figs. S1–S22, Supplementary Tables S1–S11, and Supplementary references

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Wang, T., Qiao, Y., Ding, W. et al. Improved fragment sampling for ab initio protein structure prediction using deep neural networks. Nat Mach Intell 1, 347–355 (2019).

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