Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 20 February 2019

The Acknowledgements section in this Article is incomplete.

“This study was partially funded by the Principado de Asturias, PCTI 2018–2020 (GRUPIN: IDI2018-000237) and FEDER. We thank Benjamin Rabanal from the Laboratorio de Técnicas Instrumentales, University of León, for Batrachochytrium spp. PCR analysis, and Frank Pasmans’ Lab for kindly providing Bd and Bsal DNA controls.”

should read:

“This study was partially funded by the Principado de Asturias, PCTI 2018–2020 (GRUPIN: IDI2018-000237) and FEDER. We thank Benjamin Rabanal from the Laboratorio de Técnicas Instrumentales, University of León, for Batrachochytrium spp. PCR analysis, and Frank Pasmans’ Lab for kindly providing Bd and Bsal DNA controls.

Fieldwork was partially funded by the Environment and Land Planning Department of the Regional Government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia), with the financial support of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) of the European Union. We are indebted to the Galician Canoeing Federation for their help and support during the field work.”