Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 24 September 2019

The original version of this Article contained a typographical error in the spelling of the author Antonio Juan Ribelles, which was incorrectly given as Antonio J Ribelles.

As a result, the Author Contributions statement,

“Antonio J Ribelles and Adela Cañete: Main authors. Wrote manuscript text. Sandra Barberá and Bárbara Juan: Data collection and english translation. Yania Yáñez, Pablo Gargallo and Victoria Castel: Wrote parts of the manuscript. Vanessa Segura, Rosa Noguera, Marta Piqueras and Jaime Font de Mora: Molecular testing. Sample management. Victoria Fornés-Ferrer: Biostatistical analysis.”

now reads:

“Antonio Juan Ribelles and Adela Cañete: Main authors. Wrote manuscript text. Sandra Barberá and Bárbara Juan: Data collection and english translation. Yania Yáñez, Pablo Gargallo and Victoria Castel: Wrote parts of the manuscript. Vanessa Segura, Rosa Noguera, Marta Piqueras and Jaime Font de Mora: Molecular testing. Sample management. Victoria Fornés-Ferrer: Biostatistical analysis.”

These errors have now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.