Correction to: Nature, published online 13 March 2017.

In Extended Data Table 1 of this Letter, some of the elastic constants were reported incorrectly. This occurred as a result of an error in the script used to generate the numbers. The values of the elastic constants at room pressure cited in the manuscript on page 544 were derived using the same erroneous script, and the correct values and 1σ-uncertainties in the last given digit are C11 = 461.3(17) GPa instead of 462.7(17) GPa; C22 = 509.7(26) GPa instead of 504.9(26) GPa; C33 = 425.7(5) GPa instead of 426.6(5) GPa; C44 = 188.8(6) GPa instead of 188.4(6) GPa; C55 = 166.5(4) GPa instead of 166.6(4) GPa; C66 = 127.2(17) GPa instead of 129.7(17) GPa; C12 = 141.7(14) GPa instead of 140.2(14) GPa; C13 = 130.0(11) GPa instead of 132.2(11) GPa; and C23 = 161.0(12) GPa instead of 159.3(12) GPa. These errors do not affect any of the conclusions and we apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Extended Data Table 1 and the room-pressure values in the text have been corrected online. The Supplementary Information of this Amendment contains the original, incorrect Extended Data Table 1, for transparency.

Supplementary Information is available in the online version of this Amendment.