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Opportunities and challenges using artificial intelligence in ADME/Tox

At the recent Artificial Intelligence Applications in Biopharma Summit in Boston, USA, a panel of scientists from industry who work at the interface of machine learning and pharma discussed the diverging opinions on the past, present and future role of AI for ADME/Tox in drug discovery and development.

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D. Chipman and E. Cutler are kindly acknowledged for organizing the AI Applications in Biopharma Summit. S.E. acknowledges A. Clark, J. Freundlich and A. Williams for their many discussions on machine learning and ADME/Tox models. S.E. acknowledges funding to Collaborations Pharmaceuticals Inc. from NIGMS R44 GM122196-02A1.

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Bhhatarai, B., Walters, W.P., Hop, C.E.C.A. et al. Opportunities and challenges using artificial intelligence in ADME/Tox. Nat. Mater. 18, 418–422 (2019).

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