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An explainable deep-learning algorithm for the detection of acute intracranial haemorrhage from small datasets


Owing to improvements in image recognition via deep learning, machine-learning algorithms could eventually be applied to automated medical diagnoses that can guide clinical decision-making. However, these algorithms remain a ‘black box’ in terms of how they generate the predictions from the input data. Also, high-performance deep learning requires large, high-quality training datasets. Here, we report the development of an understandable deep-learning system that detects acute intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) and classifies five ICH subtypes from unenhanced head computed-tomography scans. By using a dataset of only 904 cases for algorithm training, the system achieved a performance similar to that of expert radiologists in two independent test datasets containing 200 cases (sensitivity of 98% and specificity of 95%) and 196 cases (sensitivity of 92% and specificity of 95%). The system includes an attention map and a prediction basis retrieved from training data to enhance explainability, and an iterative process that mimics the workflow of radiologists. Our approach to algorithm development can facilitate the development of deep-learning systems for a variety of clinical applications and accelerate their adoption into clinical practice.

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Fig. 1: System overview.
Fig. 2: Summary of the system outputs.
Fig. 3: Iterative performance improvement by network optimization and preprocessing.
Fig. 4: Test performance for ICH detection.
Fig. 5: Examples of ICH atlas and prediction basis.

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Data availability

The training, validation and test datasets generated for this study are protected patient information. Some data may be available for research purposes from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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The authors would like to acknowledge NVIDIA for the use of a DevBox and providing feedback and support, which made this work possible. R.G.G. is funded in part by an NIH U01 grant under the grant number 5U01EB025153.

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H.L., S.Y., M.M., R.G.G., M.H.L. and S.D. initiated and designed the research. H.L., S.Y. and M.K. executed the research. M.M., S.H.T., C.E.G., S.A.E., S.R.P., J.M.R., S.K., R.G.G. and M.H.L. acquired and/or interpreted the data. R.G.G. and M.H.L. supervised the data collection. H.L., S.Y., M.H.L. and S.D. analysed and interpreted the data. H.L. and M.K. developed the algorithms and software tools necessary for the experiments. H.L., S.Y., S.H.T. and M.H.L. wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Synho Do.

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M.H.L. is a consultant of GE Healthcare and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company and receives an institutional research support from Siemens Healthcare. S.R.P. is a consultant of GE Healthcare. S.D. is a consultant of Nulogix and Doai and receives research supports from ZCAI, Tplus and MediBloc. The remaining authors declare no competing interests.

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Lee, H., Yune, S., Mansouri, M. et al. An explainable deep-learning algorithm for the detection of acute intracranial haemorrhage from small datasets. Nat Biomed Eng 3, 173–182 (2019).

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