Correction to: Nature Communications, published online 08 April 2019.

The original version of this Article contained an error in Fig. 5, in which the evolutionary origin of DRM2 was incorrectly placed prior to the divergence between gymnosperms and angiosperms. The correct evolutionary origin of DRM2 should be in angiosperms. The correct version of Fig. 5 is shown here as Fig. 1, which replaces the incorrect version which is shown here as Fig. 2. In addition, in the “Percent methylation change” section of the Methods, Equation 1 was incorrectly given as:

$$\frac{{\mathrm{WT}} \, {\mathrm{mCHH}} - {\mathrm{cmt}} \, {\mathrm{mCHHWT}} \, {\mathrm{mCHH}}}{\times} 100 \, {\mathrm{if}} \, {\mathrm{WT}} \, {\mathrm{mCHH}} \, > \, {\mathrm{cmt}} \, {\mathrm{mCHH}}$$
figure 1

Fig. 1

figure 2


The correct form of Equation 1 is as follows:

$$\frac{{\mathrm{WT}} \, {\mathrm{mCHH}} - {\mathrm{cmt}} \, {\mathrm{mCHH}}}{{\mathrm{WT}} \, {\mathrm{mCHH}}} \times 100\quad\quad {\mathrm{if}} \, {\mathrm{WT}} \, {\mathrm{mCHH}} \, > \, {\mathrm{cmt}} \, {\mathrm{mCHH}}$$

This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.