BACKGROUND Previous studies have shown that AA and DHA as percentage of total milk fatty acids (FA) decrease throughout the first 6 months of lactation. AIMS To investigate the time-course of the absolute concentrations of total fat, the 18-carbon essential FA linoleic (LA) and α-linolenic (LnA) acids and their derivatives AA and DHA over a nursing period of one year. METHODS Pooled breast milk (hindmilk) was collected from all the feeding over 24 hours at the following times: colostrum, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. Lipids were extracted (Floch), total fat quantified (microgravimetry) and the FA composition determined by GC. Quantitation was obtained by the use of an internal standard. Statistics by ANOVA for repeated measures.


Table 1

CONCLUSION These data indicate that the secretion of AA and DHA during lactation remains constant, in spite of changes in total fat and in LA and LnA content of milk.