Background. The assessment of cerebral maturation has an important role in monitoring CNS development. Previous MRI methods utilised single criteria, such as myelination or gyration. Subjects and Method. Cerebral maturation was evaluated in 36 neurologically normal preterm infants (median PMA 35 weeks, range 28-44), using four MRI criteria. Images were acquired on a 1.5 T Philips Gyroscan. Using T2W axial images, the following parameters were graded: myelination, cortical maturation, subependymal germinal matrix distribution and appearance of migrating glial cells within periventricular white matter.Figure

figure 1

Results. The total score (TS) obtained was proportional to PMA.(r=0.90).

Conclusions: This score allows good distinction between preterm infants of differing PMA and is more readily applicable than previous methods.