The purpose of this study was to establish the test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of the Functional Independence Measure for Children(WeeFIM). The WeeFIM describes consistent and usual performance to criterion standards of functional skills for children ages six months to eight years. The WeeFIM includes 18 items on a seven-level ordinal scale. A score of one reflects total assistance and a score of seven reflects complete independence.

One hundred children, ages 11-84 months with mean age 46±21 months(13% <2 years, 58% 2-5 years, 28% 5-7 years), received an initial WeeFIM(T1) and follow-up WeeFIM (T2). Concurrent validity was assessed by using the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) in 26 children or the Batelle Developmental Screening Inventory (BDSI) in 74. Proportionate sampling with block matrix design enrolled motor, communicative, and cognitive impairments across age groups. 57% of the sample was male, 70% Caucasian, 20% African American, and 7% Hispanic. Disability status was mild in 28%, moderate in 54%, and severe in 19% of the cases. Developmental diagnosis included Cerebral Palsy (23%), Mental Retardation (18%). Epilepsy (6%), Language Disorder (37%), and ADHD (11%) spectrum. Table

Table 1

Correlation between T1 and T2 for domains and total WeeFIM exceeded.90. Mean VABS was 68.3±11.7, BDSI-1.75 z. Correlation between Total WeeFIM and VABS and Total WeeFIM and BDSI exceeded.85. The WeeFIM is a useful tool for assessing functional status in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. It is brief, concise, and applicable to outpatient health and educational sites. (Supported by MCH Grant MCJ-36064601)