Background: IBU has been used as an alternative cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor for prophylactic treatment of PDA and for the prevention of intraventricular hemorrhages (IVH) in preterm infants.

Aim of the study: To evaluate effectiveness and side effects of IBU in preterm infants with RDS and PDA as compared to indomethacin (INDO) and controls.

Setting: Blind prospective randomized trial in a tertiary referral hospital.

Intervention: 42 infants with RDS and PDA were randomly assigned to receive at day 2-3 IBU (10 mg/kg iv followed by 5 mg/kg iv after 24 and 48 hrs), INDO (3×0.2 mg/kg iv at 12 hrs intervals), or no treatment(control). Patency of the ductus was evaluated by echocardiography at d2-3 and at d8. Follow-up concerned clinical evolution, uresis and cranial ultrasound.

Results: Table

Table 1

Conclusion: (1) In preterm infants with RDS and PDA, IBU at d2-3, is as effective as INDO in closing PDA and (2) IBU causes less oliguria than INDO.