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  • Perspective
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Using goal-driven deep learning models to understand sensory cortex


Fueled by innovation in the computer vision and artificial intelligence communities, recent developments in computational neuroscience have used goal-driven hierarchical convolutional neural networks (HCNNs) to make strides in modeling neural single-unit and population responses in higher visual cortical areas. In this Perspective, we review the recent progress in a broader modeling context and describe some of the key technical innovations that have supported it. We then outline how the goal-driven HCNN approach can be used to delve even more deeply into understanding the development and organization of sensory cortical processing.

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Figure 1: HCNNs as models of sensory cortex.
Figure 2: Goal-driven optimization yields neurally predictive models of ventral visual cortex.
Figure 3: The components of goal-driven modeling.

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Yamins, D., DiCarlo, J. Using goal-driven deep learning models to understand sensory cortex. Nat Neurosci 19, 356–365 (2016).

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