Nature Communications 7: Article number: 10860 (2016); Published: 4 March 2016; Updated: 11 May 2016

Previous work by Venn et al. describing live imaging of coral mounted on cover slips in miniaturized flow cells and live imaging of coral calcification was inadvertently omitted from the reference list of this Article. This work should have been cited in the second paragraph of the introduction, where previous work describing microscopic examination of coral and coral culture systems are referred to, as follows: ‘Previous work by Venn et al. described live imaging of coral calcification using the lateral skeleton preparation in combination with miniaturized flow chambers (Venn et al. 2011)’. A reference to this work should also have been provided in the section discussing the use of calcein for in vivo imaging of coral calcification.

Venn, A., Tambutté, E., Holcomb, M., Allemand, D. & Tambutté, S. Live tissue imaging shows reef corals elevate pH under their calcifying tissue relative to seawater. PLoS ONE 6, e20013 (2011).