Nature 547, 350–354 (2017); doi:

In Extended Data Fig. 10b of this Letter, the axes of the single-cell gating (middle panel) FACS plots were mislabelled. Single cells were gated using forward scatter area (FSC-A) against height (FSC-H) on a linear scale, instead of side scatter area (SSC-A) against height (SSC-H) on a log scale. This does not affect the conclusion drawn. This figure has been corrected in the online versions of the Letter, and the original incorrect figure is provided as Supplementary Information to this Corrigendum, for transparency.

In addition, a reference was inadvertently omitted to earlier work in zebrafish, which should have appeared associated with the sentence ‘Biliary cells in zebrafish models have been shown to regenerate the liver after massive hepatocytes loss’. This has been added as ref. 25 in the Letter, and citations in the Methods section (refs 26–28) have been renumbered. The original Letter has been corrected online.