Nature 543, 78–82 (2017); doi:10.1038/nature21427

In this Article, we omitted to cite a relevant paper1 on coenzyme F430 biosynthesis, which identified the genes that encode the enzymes required for the transformation of sirohydrochlorin into coenzyme F430 and demonstrated their efficacy. Our study has confirmed these findings and also provided more detailed structural characterization of the pathway intermediates. We also showed that part of the pathway is operative in Escherichia coli, characterized the reductase system by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and demonstrated that the formation of ring E is a chemical rather than biochemical reaction. We were unaware of this paper, which was published while our Article was under review.

In addition, the genome annotations for the coenzyme F430 biosynthesis (cfb) genes in the NCBI database have now been updated to reflect the naming conventions of ref. 1. In brief, the gene names of cfbD and cfbC have been swapped, as have those of the cfbB and cfbE genes. We thank S. Mansoorabadi for bringing the gene nomenclature issue to our attention. The original Article has not been corrected online.