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Respiration in the open ocean


A key question when trying to understand the global carbon cycle is whether the oceans are net sources or sinks of carbon. This will depend on the production of organic matter relative to the decomposition due to biological respiration. Estimates of respiration are available for the top layers, the mesopelagic layer, and the abyssal waters and sediments of various ocean regions. Although the total open ocean respiration is uncertain, it is probably substantially greater than most current estimates of particulate organic matter production. Nevertheless, whether the biota act as a net source or sink of carbon remains an open question.

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We thank M. Pace, T. Bouvier and E. Smith for comments on the manuscript, and particularly P. leB. Williams for extensive input; we also thank H. Canut for encouragement and S. Agustí for inspiration. This work was supported by the Spanish Plan Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo, the Cátedra Programme of the Banco de Bilbao y Vizcaya Foundation, and the US National Science Foundation.

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Correspondence to Paul A. del Giorgio.

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del Giorgio, P., Duarte, C. Respiration in the open ocean. Nature 420, 379–384 (2002).

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