Correction to: Heredity advance online publication, 12 April 2017; doi:10.1038/hdy.2017.20

In the above paper we inadvertently omitted the denominator from the weight AIC estimate: the estimator in the paper is given as , where βi is the (co)variance estimate for the ith model. The correct model is where R is the number of models that contain the relevant parameter. This correction slightly changes the values given in Table 5 but does not in any way affect the conclusions.

Table 5 (Co)variance and heritability estimates (s.e. in parentheses) for the model(s) with the lowest AIC (shown in bold font)

The summed Akaike weights for birth weight in males was erroneously reported, the correct values being 0.923 for Va, 0.507 for Vm, 0.149 for Covam and 0.381 for Vc. The only change in interpretation is that there is now strong evidence for additive genetic variance for both birth weight and weaning weight in males as was also found in females.

The html and online PDF versions have also been rectified, and now carry the corrected paper.