Jonathan S. Berg MD, PhD, Laura M. Amendola MS, Christine Eng MD, Eliezer Van Allen MD, Stacy W. Gray MD, AM, Nikhil Wagle MD, Heidi L. Rehm PhD, Elizabeth T. DeChene MS, Matthew C. Dulik PhD, Fuki M. Hisama MD, Wylie Burke MD, PhD, Nancy B. Spinner PhD, Levi Garraway MD, PhD, Robert C. Green MD, MPH, Sharon Plon MD, PhD, James P. Evans MD, PhD and Gail P. Jarvik MD, PhD and the members of the CSER Actionability and Return of Results Working Group

Genet Med 15: 860-867; advance online publication, November 6, 2013; doi:10.1038/gim.2013.133

In the initially published version of this article, the advance online publication date was incorrect. The correct date is November 6, 2013. The publisher regrets the error.