Listen to the latest science news, with Shamini Bundell and Nick Petrić Howe.

In this episode:

00:46 A pair of supermassive black holes in the distant Universe

Supermassive black holes are found at the centre of galaxies across the universe. But observations of galaxies with more than one – caused by the merging of two galaxies – have been rare. Now, researchers have combined data from a number of telescopes and satellites, to reveal a pair of supermassive blackholes farther from Earth than any pair detected previously. They hope this will offer insights into how galaxies form.

Research article: Chen et al.

News and Views: Distant supermassive black holes spotted in galaxy merger

10:53 Research Highlights

Why appetite can increase after dieting, and gliding mammals’ flight-associated genes.

Research Highlight: Can’t keep off lost weight? Blame your ‘hunger cells’

Research Highlight: How gliding mammals developed the flaps for ‘flight’

13:35 A clinical trial of an AI heart assessor

A team of researchers and clinicians report results of a clinical trial designed to test the ability of an AI to accurately interpret echocardiogram images – a technique frequently used to assess heart health. The results showed that the AI was as good at measuring a metric of cardiac function as a trained human, but was able to speed up the diagnosing process, suggesting this method could play a role in improving healthcare in future.

Research article: He et al.

20:42 Briefing Chat

We discuss some highlights from the Nature Briefing. This time, we hear the ultrasonic sounds that stressed plants make, and discuss a 3D printed glass made from amino acids.

Nature News: Stressed plants ‘cry’ — and some animals can probably hear them

Nature News: 3D-printable glass is made from proteins and biodegrades

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