Correction to: Cancer Gene Therapy (2011) 18, 346–357; doi:10.1038/cgt.2010.84; published online 14 January 2011

A corrected version of Figure 5 appears below. Although the statistical analysis and resulting P-values described in the article are correct, the figure published with them did not accurately reflect the data. This corrected version correctly depicts that the significance of the results is even greater than originally depicted.

Figure 5
figure 1

Determination of recombinant DNase1 cytotoxicity in melanoma cells by colony forming assay (CFA). Survival of Mel-Juso human melanoma cells was measured 12–14 days after treatment with DNase1 gene constructs, as described in ‘Materials and methods.’ Actin-resistant DNase1 gene constructs (C11 and C13) significantly decreased melanoma cell survival compared with nonactin-resistant DNase1 gene constructs (C09 and C07; P=0.0002 and P=0.0006, respectively) and wild-type DNase1 (P<0.0001). Values represent the natural logarithm (Ln) of colony counts (>30 cells) in five experiments done in triplicates. Open rectangles represent means and lines represent 95% confidence intervals; n=15. WT, wild-type DNase1.

The authors regret the error.