
The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate existing evidence concerning the association between periodontal disease and (i) an increased risk for CHD and (ii) PLBW outcomes of pregnancy.

This is a relatively new field of investigation with comparatively few studies. Therefore, the goal was to determine whether there is an association and not a causal link. Because of this the authors elected to include cross-sectional studies, case–control studies, cohort studies and clinical trials, which have all provided varying levels of evidence that there is an association between the conditions. A determination of association, however, does not indicate a cause–effect relationship. Thus it would be premature to recommend periodontal therapy as an intervention for preventing CHD or PLBW.

It is also important to note that there were no published results of intervention studies or randomised controlled trials available for inclusion in the review, which would have provided the highest level of evidence for causation. The dilemma was whether to limit the review to only the highest study-quality standard (allowing no studies to be included in the review), or include studies with less than adequately defined interventions and outcomes (and reduce the quality of the evidence in the review).

The authors recognised the limitations in the studies available. They noted the heterogeneity of the studies as a major source of variability in the results and provided a thoughtful discussion of how specific differences in study designs may influence the study results. Given the paucity of well-designed studies in this area and the lack of clinical trial data, the authors justifiably conclude that there is a need for better evidence in this area. They suggest that clinicians await the results of larger prospective studies or of clinical trials before recommending clinical periodontal interventions to decrease risk for CHD or PLBW.

Practice point

  • At this time there is no evidence to recommend clinical periodontal intervention to reduce CHD or PLBW.