
Al-bishri A, Barghash Z et al. Int J Oral Maxillofacial Surg 2005; 34: 247–251

Sagittal split (SSO) and vertical ramus osteotomies (VRO) have been widely used to correct mandibular deformity. This study aimed to compare neurological outcomes in 79 VRO and 50 SSO patients. One year or more after surgery, 53 VRO and 43 SSO patients returned questionnaires which were compared with the assessment of the surgeons in the patients' records.

Neurosensory disturbances (NSD) were reported in 11 operated sides where VRO had occurred, and 25 SSO sides. Respective figures for long-lasting NSD were 8 and 10 sides. Post-operative surgical assessments, however, indicated respectively 4 and 7 sides with long-lasting NSD. The authors note that some operators consider patients' subjective assessments to be less reliable than objective evaluation, but consider the patients' assessment of outcome to be more important.