
Dental caries experience in older people over time: what can the large cohort studies tell us? W. M. Thomson Br Dent J 2004; 196: 89–92


This paper is important because it challenges common perceptions about the dental disease we spend much of our time treating. The method and rigour with which it has been conducted are commendable and the methods are quite transparent. We can be comfortable that the studies included represent, fairly accurately, the caries incidence and increment in the populations of the older adults involved.

The clear conclusion is that caries is a disease of older adults every bit as much as it is a disease of children and adolescents. Of course this is a simplification. First of all we should remember that what is reported here is probably a phenomenon of the developed world. Furthermore, carious damage in early life has health and economic implications for an entire lifetime. On the other hand, most carious lesions of the coronal surfaces of older adults' teeth are associated with existing, often complex, restorations, meaning more treatment and more cost for less health gain. Comparisons between the age groups are perhaps unwise, but the overwhelming clinical message is that caries prevention applies to everyone, particularly the over 50s.

The observation that coronal caries had a higher incidence and increment than root caries is interesting but should be viewed in context. When collecting data in the field it can be surprisingly difficult to decide whether caries should be coded as coronal or root, particularly when associated with existing large restorations. In evaluating what this study is telling us it is perhaps appropriate to think about both together. Whether it occurs on the crown or the root, the disease will often be difficult to treat well, and the rate at which new lesions occur is rapid and affects any vulnerable surfaces.

The difficulty the author found identifying common risk factors is no surprise as the hypotheses of the various studies were different, so the nature of data collection and analysis varied according to the priorities of the research. It is of relevance then that the one risk factor that appeared consistently was the presence of a partial denture. There are good theoretical reasons why partial dentures increase caries risk. Whilst it is always difficult to sort out cause and effect, the consistency and quality of the evidence point to an important role. That the implications of providing partial dentures extend beyond just replacing teeth is an important take home message for all dentists when treatment planning.