
Perceived risk of future pathology associated with pathology-free third molars: a comparison of oral and maxillofacial surgeons and family dentists O. Kostopoulou, M. R. Brickley, J. P. Shepherd, and R. G. Newcombe Br Dent J 2000; 188: 28–31


This paper, from a group experienced in third molar epidemiology and management, aimed to compare oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMFS) and family dentists (FD) in their judgement of the risk of future disease associated with pathology-free and asymptomatic third molars (M3).

The results suggested little overall difference in assessment by the two groups, but it was interesting that FDs perceived a higher liklihood of cystic change than the OMFSs. It has been interesting to note in the literature that although earlier figures suggested an incidence of cystic change between 2–11%, a recent study of apparently disease-free follicular tissue showed cyst formation in 37% of lower M3s.1

International professional debate has continued for many years about the risks of pathology developing in association with impacted but symptom-free M3. There were variations in rates of surgical removal and in earlier years a higher rate of what has been termed often inappropriately, 'prophylactic' removal. The picture came into focus with the publication in 1980 of the results of a consensus conference in the USA which included broad guidelines of indications for surgery.2 In the UK, both the Government and medical insurers began to show a greater interest in the subject. Indeed the Department of Health (DH) funded the largest audit project of its kind.3 This showed that most (78%) of M3s removed were in fact associated with symptoms. The Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England with whom the British Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons had collaborated in the audit were then commissioned by the DH to develop detailed guidelines supported by the most robust evidence available. These were published in 1997 and highlighted the absence of any long-term randomised controlled trial results which compared the outcome of early surgery with a policy of review and intervention only in the event of development of pathology.4,5 A 4-year study of this type is now running in the USA with the prospect of extension to UK patient cohorts in the next year or so.

The results of this multicentre trial are awaited with interest. It is hoped that they will help clinicians, commissioning authorities, NICE, most important, our patients to balance the potential benefits and complications of early surgery against the risks of pathology emerging in later years (which may necessitate intervention under less favourable conditions of acute infection and co-morbidity).