Biogeochemistry articles within Nature


  • News & Views |

    Redox reactions in widely spatially separated layers of marine sediments are coupled to each other. This suggests that bacteria mediate the flow of electrons between the layers — an idea that would previously have been dismissed.

    • Kenneth H. Nealson
  • Letter |

    Anthropogenic global warming is likely to be amplified by positive feedback from the global carbon cycle; however, the magnitude of the climate sensitivity of the global carbon cycle, and thus of its positive feedback strength, is under debate. By combining a probabilistic approach with an ensemble of proxy-based temperature reconstructions and pre-industrial CO2 data from three ice cores, this climate sensitivity is now shown to be much smaller than previously thought.

    • David C. Frank
    • , Jan Esper
    •  & Fortunat Joos
  • News |

    Collaboration launches effort to track marine nutrients.

    • Mark Schrope