Volume 36

  • No. 12 4 December 2023

    In this issue...

    In the first private dentistry themed issue of BDJ In Practice, we talk to experts across the profession to gauge where the sector is, where it's come from and where it's going

  • No. 11 6 November 2023

    In this issue...

    November's edition of BDJ In Practice takes a closer look at compassion and prudence in dentistry, overcoming perfectionism, the art of leadership, the practice sales market and two concurrent crises affecting oral cancer checks

  • No. 10 9 October 2023

    In this issue...

    October's cover feature discusses the perception of readiness for practice - is there a difference between perception and reality? If so how big is the gap, and how can it be bridged?

  • No. 9 4 September 2023

    In this issue...

    In September's edition of BDJ In Practice, we take a look at how best to bridge the language barrier in practice, and what aids there are for doing so

  • No. 8 7 August 2023

    In this issue...

    Skill mix. What is it? How do we define it? What does success look like? How can you achieve success? Is it possible within the framework of the dental profession as we find it today?

    This month's cover feature asks those questions - and more

  • No. 7 10 July 2023

    In this issue...

    In July's issue of BDJ In Practice, we ask four dental indemnifiers for their views on how they see the profession, their market and the current landscape within

  • No. 6 5 June 2023

    In this issue

    In June's issue of BDJ In Practice, we ask what the future has in store for the profession and the balance between artificial and assisted intelligence

  • No. 5 8 May 2023

    In this issue...

    The understandable push for sustainability in dentistry has forced many practices and organisations to use cloud-based software, but is it as green as we think?

  • No. 4 6 April 2023

    In this issue

    This April edition of BDJ In Practice takes a deep dive into social media - is it a risky activity or a beneficial commodity for a dental professional?

  • No. 3 6 March 2023

    In this issue

    This month we reflect on the lack of improvement in child dental health in recent years and the current impact of the cost-of-living crisis.

  • No. 2 6 February 2023

    In this issue...

    February's cover feature takes a closer look through the vapour at vaping - why is there so much uncertainty around a product designed to save lives?

  • No. 1 9 January 2023

    In this issue...

    As the New Year is upon us, BDJ In Practice asks the BDA's England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland offices what they want to see in 2023 and beyond