This week, the earliest Americans, 2D magnets, and the legacy of the Universe's first 'baby picture'.

In this episode:

00:40 First Americans

A fossil find hints that humans may have arrived in America 100,000 years earlier than previously thought. Research paper: Holen et al.; News & Views: Unexpectedly early signs of Americans; Nature Video: The first Americans: Clues to an ancient migration

08:16 The universe’s ‘baby picture’

The lessons from the cosmic microwave background, 25 years since the first image that captured it. NASA COBE homepage; ESA Planck homepage

15:24 Research Highlights

Conditions for life on one of Saturn’s moons; and salt is making life tricky in some of Earth’s lakes. Research Highlight: Hydrogen geysers on Saturn’s moon suggest the possibility of life; Research Highlight: Lakes face a dangerously salty future

16:59 Podcast survey

Help us improve the Nature Podcast by letting us know who you are. Podcast survey

17:26 2D magnet

Creating a magnet in a single slice of atoms. Research paper: Gong et al.

24:00 News Chat

The March for Science; and a threat to Chinese fossil site. News: What happened at March for Science events around the world; News: Mining threatens Chinese fossil site that revealed planet’s earliest animals

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